Which is correct:
"have internally discussed " or "internally have discussed"?

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have internally discussed

This phrase is correct and commonly used in formal writing.

This phrase is used when emphasizing the action of discussing internally. It follows the typical word order for present perfect tense.


  • We have internally discussed the matter and reached a decision.
  • They have internally discussed the proposal extensively.
  • The team members have internally discussed the project timeline.
  • The committee has internally discussed the budget allocation.
  • The board has internally discussed the strategic plan.


  • have discussed internally
  • discussed internally
  • have had internal discussions
  • have deliberated internally
  • have talked internally

internally have discussed

This phrase is correct but less common in formal writing.

This phrase is also correct and can be used when placing emphasis on the location or manner of the discussion. It has a slightly different word order compared to the more common form.


  • Internally, we have discussed the issue thoroughly.
  • Internally, they have discussed the potential risks.
  • Internally, the team members have discussed the new strategy.
  • Internally, the committee has discussed the findings.
  • Internally, the board has discussed the upcoming changes.


  • discussed internally
  • have discussed among ourselves
  • have had discussions internally
  • have talked within the organization
  • have deliberated within the team
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Have internally discussed' is more commonly used in formal writing, while 'internally have discussed' is less common but still grammatically correct. The placement of 'internally' can vary depending on the emphasis the speaker wants to give.

Last updated: March 24, 2024

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