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have increasingly become vs increasingly became

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Have increasingly become' is used to indicate a continuing trend or change that is still happening, while 'increasingly became' is used to describe a change that happened in the past and is now complete.

Last updated: March 20, 2024 • 3703 views

have increasingly become

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate a continuing trend or change that is still happening.

This phrase is used to describe a process or trend that has been developing over time and is still ongoing.


  • The company have increasingly become more environmentally friendly over the years.
  • His novels have increasingly become popular among young readers.
  • The city's infrastructure have increasingly become outdated.
  • Their relationship have increasingly become strained.
  • The team have increasingly become competitive in the league.
  • Child's Play: How Exhibitions Have Increasingly Become Playgrounds For Adults. Yevgeniya Traps, Thursday, July 16, 2015. Share. Facebook; Twitter; pinterest ...
  • Nearly one-third of emergency department visits involve nonideal care events · Emergency departments have increasingly become the health care safety net for  ...
  • Abstract. Issues concerning technological risk have increasingly become the subject of deliberative exercises involving participation of ordinary citizens.
  • As design perspectives have increasingly become integrated in HCI practice and research, new opportunities are needed to communicate design practices, ...


  • have become increasingly
  • have been becoming more and more
  • have grown increasingly
  • have developed into
  • have evolved into

increasingly became

This phrase is correct and used to describe a change that happened in the past and is now complete.

This phrase is suitable for describing a change or transformation that occurred in the past and is no longer ongoing.


  • The company increasingly became more efficient after the new management took over.
  • His health increasingly became a concern for his family as he grew older.
  • The situation increasingly became difficult to manage as tensions rose.
  • Their efforts increasingly became focused on sustainability.
  • The project increasingly became complex as new requirements were added.
  • tion became more mobile, the kolkhoz dvor increasingly became the nuclear family. Distinctions between the kolkhoz population and the rest of Soviet so-.
  • “Amy [Winehouse] increasingly became defined by her addiction. Our media though is more interested in tragedy than talent, so the ink began to defect from ...
  • Jan 7, 2016 ... But that is too simplistic, argues a new paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), which has increasingly became the ...
  • In the early 1990s, Americans increasingly became concerned about terrorism on our soil. This concern was fueled by the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, ...


  • gradually became
  • progressively turned into
  • slowly transformed into
  • evolved into
  • morphed into

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