Which one is correct?
"have a nice day" or "Have a nice day off"?

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have a nice day

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to wish someone well for the day ahead.

This phrase is used to wish someone a pleasant day or to bid farewell. It is a common expression in English.


  • Before leaving the house, she said, 'Have a nice day!'
  • The cashier smiled and said, 'Have a nice day!' as I left the store.
  • Have a nice day, and I'll see you tomorrow!
  • Every morning, my mom tells me, 'Have a nice day at school!'
  • As we parted ways, he waved and said, 'Have a nice day!'


  • Wishing you a great day!
  • Enjoy your day!
  • Hope you have a wonderful day!
  • Have a good one!
  • Take care and have a good day!

Have a nice day off

This phrase is correct and is used when someone is taking a day off from work or other responsibilities.

This phrase is used to wish someone well for their day off, indicating that they should enjoy their break from work or other duties.


  • Enjoy your day off! You deserve the break.
  • She decided to have a nice day off and relax at home.
  • He's looking forward to his day off and plans to go hiking.
  • After a busy week, I finally have a nice day off to unwind.
  • Wishing you a relaxing and enjoyable day off!


  • Enjoy your day off!
  • Have a relaxing day off!
  • Hope you have a great day off!
  • Make the most of your day off!
  • Take it easy on your day off!
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Have a nice day' is a common expression used to wish someone well for the day ahead. 'Have a nice day off' is used when someone is taking a day off from work or other responsibilities.

Last Updated: March 21, 2024

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