Which one is correct?
"has a woman's legs" or "has a woman's feet"?

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has a woman's legs

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4 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Jun 15, 2015 ... Just when you think you are looking at a simple realistic painting, you notice that the man in the background has a woman's legs and is posed a ...
  • Feb 4, 2009 ... The new ad for NFL has a woman's legs popping out of a helmet (it instantly reminded me of the hustler cover from my childhood). It is plastered ...
  • Jul 6, 2012 ... Has a woman's legs, But that haircut looks very japanese-school boyish. I think its fake, The rope restraining her legs to the wall could easily be ...
  • Hubby always dreamed of seeing what the doctor does when he has a woman's legs in the air, then inserts. Now he know.. and so much more about how much ...

has a woman's feet

0 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • For longer phrases (4+ words) it's not always possible to find identical examples. Please try again with a shorter phrase.

    For the very best results, we recommend that you submit your full sentence to our Quick Text editing service so a human editor can provide you with the right suggestions.

A complete search of the internet has found that "has a woman's legs" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last Updated: February 23, 2016

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