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guides to vs guides in

Both "guides to" and "guides in" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Guides to" is used when referring to instructions or advice on how to do something, while "guides in" is used when talking about someone or something that helps to navigate or understand a particular place or situation.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 779 views

guides to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to instructions or advice on how to do something.

Use "guides to" when you want to indicate instructions or advice on how to do something. It is often followed by a noun or a verb.


  • Guides to healthy living
  • Guides to writing a resume
  • Guides to improving your English skills
  • Guides to starting a business
  • Guides to traveling on a budget
  • 5. Member States shall forward to the Commission those guides to good hygiene practice which they presume to comply with Article 3.
  • Guidelines for conducting those studies may be included in the guides to good practice referred to in Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004.
  • The development of guides to good practice is absolutely necessary.
  • But guides to good practice should already be encouraging the use of appropriate hygiene requirements.
  • There are guides to raising a bilingual kid even if you only speak one language at home.
  • I think the polls are very bad guides to the level of trust that actually exists, because they try to obliterate the good judgment that goes into placing trust.
  • Member States shall develop guides to good practice which shall include guidance on the compliance with this Regulation and in particular with Article 10(1).
  • Developing guides to good practice on operating and monitoring procedures for use when killing animals is important in providing proper guidance on animal welfare for business operators.
  • Development and dissemination of guides to good practice
  • Member States shall encourage the development and dissemination of guides to good practice to facilitate the implementation of this Regulation.
  • the development of guides to good practice;
  • However, guides to good practice should encourage the use of appropriate hygiene practices at farm level.
  • Official controls and guides to good practice
  • The competent authority may take into account adherence to guides to good practice, when carrying out its official controls.
  • (g) guidelines on information and guides to good practice for the public;
  • scientific opinions on guides to good practice developed within its territory for the purposes of this Regulation;
  • 2. As part of the system referred to in paragraph 1, operators of meat establishments may use guides to good practice that have been assessed by the competent authority.
  • Nevertheless, it should always remain within the power of operators, Member States or the Commission to promote prevention of transmissible diseases through higher biosecurity standards by developing their own guides to good practice.
  • In doing so, due consideration shall be given to the guides to good hygiene practice referred to in Article 5 of this Directive, where they exist.
  • The provisions of Article 5 and the guides to good practice developed pursuant to Articles 7 and 8 serve to prevent damage and hazards during further processing.


  • instructions for
  • advice on
  • tips for

guides in

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when talking about someone or something that helps to navigate or understand a particular place or situation.

Use "guides in" when you want to refer to someone or something that assists in navigating or understanding a specific place or situation. It is often followed by a location or context.


  • Guides in the museum
  • Guides in the city
  • Guides in the wilderness
  • Guides in the world of finance
  • Guides in understanding complex concepts
  • Services suppliers whose function is to accompany a tour group of a minimum of 10 natural persons, without acting as guides in specific locations.
  • They run the risk of being fined or even arrested by the local authorities because local rules and regulations do not permit foreigners to act as guides in their locality.
  • Where necessary, Member States shall encourage the development of national guides in accordance with Article 21.
  • Let me check my price guides in the back.
  • Of all the guides in Switzerland, he was the only one who thought so.
  • There's at least 20 hunting guides in this town that need to be questioned.
  • Some false guides in fact try to sell what is actually specific policy under the guise of gender mainstreaming and that gets us nowhere.
  • Are the different requirements regarding the presence of local guides in conformity with EU legislation? 2.
  • Do you have any museum guides in Japanese?
  • It is reported that Flemish travel guides volunteering to accompanying groups on cultural trips to Italy, Spain, France and Greece can face serious problems when providing their services as guides in the Dutch language.
  • Subject: Uniform treatment of guides in the EU Member States
  • Against this background the regulation of the profession of tourist guides in Italy is foremost a matter for the national legislator.
  • When there are no guides in the image, the filter will no nothing. If, however, the guides are just hidden, the filter will work.
  • There is a technical need, in order to allow for innovation and technological advance and to take into account experience of implementing the guides in practice, to consider on a regular basis whether the guides need to be updated.
  • The Show Guides command enables and disables displaying of Guides in the image window.
  • Within the framework of the OSCE, Germany continued to contribute in particular to the ongoing development of OSCE Best Practice Guides in the area of SALW and conventional ammunition.
  • You can set the default for the guides in the Image Window Appearance dialog.
  • Subject: User guides in less-used and minority languages to the Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-13
  • Slovene guides are harassed and threatened with punishment for not having the appropriate licences to act as guides in Austria, Poland, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and elsewhere.
  • To give a better idea of the scale and severity of the problem, it is worth mentioning that Tripadvisor alone has over 50 million visitors per month and now rivals conventional tourist guides in terms of popularity.


  • assistants in
  • helpers in
  • navigators in

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