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grown child vs growing child

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Grown child' refers to a child who has reached adulthood or maturity, while 'growing child' refers to a child who is currently in the process of growing physically and mentally.

Last updated: April 01, 2024 • 597 views

grown child

This phrase is correct and refers to a child who has reached adulthood or maturity.

This phrase is used to describe a child who is no longer a child but has grown into an adult.


  • She still sees him as her little boy, but he is now a grown child with a family of his own.
  • You never saw a grown child die.
  • Years later, seeing an airplane or just hearing one fly overhead can unleash a Pandora's Box of repressed anger, shattering the grown child's fragile psyche and triggering a psychotic and possibly deadly episode.
  • You're a grown man-child, dude.
  • The child grown without mother's care cannot be grown and trained properly.
  • And now that child has grown up.
  • That child is grown now and can fill your position.
  • Yes, the child has grown.
  • Before it just were a couple of years between child and grown-up.
  • The child has grown sufficiently, and he was getting crowded in the uterus.
  • He doesn't even know his child has grown this much.
  • The victim is a grown-up or large child, in his late teens to early 80s.
  • The child is grown The dream is gone
  • That child, grown up, spent those three years gathering a small group around him. That man is everything that the Mystery wanted to reveal and communicate to us.
  • And she spoke some Vietnamese, as a child having grown up with Vietnamese friends.
  • You're a grown man with a child.
  • And at a certain age, the child is grown and puts away childish things.
  • Following corrections of the lip, nose, nasal septum and a possible underdevelopment of the maxilla or in preschool period (if severe) or when the child has grown puberty may be necessary.
  • When a person is grown up, the child should have fully learnt the lesson,
  • The child is grown The dream is gone
  • 2 Kings 4:18 And when the child was grown, it fell on a day,


  • adult child
  • mature child

growing child

This phrase is correct and refers to a child who is currently in the process of growing physically and mentally.

This phrase is used to describe a child who is still developing physically and mentally.


  • As a growing child, he needs proper nutrition and care to support his development.
  • As with any growing child, the teenager should be encouraged to eat a variety of foods and if energy (kcal) intake is adequate it is likely that nutrient needs are met.
  • When the growing child fails of personality unification, the altruistic drive may become so overdeveloped as to work serious injury to the welfare of the self.
  • Its adjustability in height and width accommodates your growing child.
  • The safety cushion of the Pallas series is gradually adjustable and may be individually set to accommodate the growing child and/or its changing wardrobe giving the child optimum freedom of movement and greatest comfort at all times.
  • It's the specific point when the growing child is able to recognize a gap between what exists and what might exist.
  • In buddhism there are no representations of how much sacred is a growing child, but there are only representations of the adult that through pain, illness, old age and death goes towards the dissolution of the ephemeral.
  • Sooner or later, if the child is lucky, someone will perceive that there IS a family network in existence, and that it is NOT a wonderful medium for a growing child to have to support.
  • These findings strongly suggest that the innate portions of behavior are limited to the pleasure-directed aspects of life and social living, which impart distinct survival and health advantages to the growing child, and work to preserve the social unit.
  • Like a growing child, its culture has more creative energy.
  • This seat is more flexible, suitable for a growing child, wide and just as safe.
  • provides the right support for your growing child's head, back, neck and hips
  • What action is being envisaged by the Commission in response to the grievous problem of growing child mortality attributable chiefly to the economic crisis and the spread in poverty, factors which are swelling the flow of migrants heading for EU Member States? 2.
  • The Car Seat Graco Booster let the growing child be seated to the proper height for the car seat belt.
  • If I were her parent, I would be a little concerned about the kind of pressure that that places on a growing child.
  • With a bouncer function and removable tray to turn it into a seat and bring little ones to the table, thePrima Pappa Zero Tre safely accompanies your growing child.


  • developing child
  • maturing child

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