Which one is correct?
"group financing" or "group fundraising"?

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group financing

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe the pooling of resources by a group of individuals or entities to fund a business venture or investment.

This phrase is used in the context of financing a business or investment opportunity through the collective contribution of funds from a group of investors or partners.


  • The startup secured group financing from a consortium of angel investors.
  • Group financing can provide access to capital for small businesses that may not qualify for traditional loans.
  • The real estate project was funded through group financing arrangements.
  • Investors came together for group financing of the new tech startup.
  • Group financing offers a collaborative approach to funding entrepreneurial ventures.


  • collective financing
  • syndicated financing
  • joint financing
  • collaborative financing
  • partnership financing

group fundraising

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe the collective effort of raising money for a specific cause or project.

This phrase is used to describe the process of raising funds from a group of people for a particular purpose, such as a charity event, community project, or school initiative.


  • The school organized a group fundraising campaign to support the construction of a new playground.
  • The nonprofit organization relied on group fundraising to finance its humanitarian projects.
  • We need to come up with creative ideas for our group fundraising event.
  • The team's group fundraising efforts exceeded all expectations.
  • Group fundraising can be a powerful tool for achieving social impact.


  • collective fundraising
  • team fundraising
  • community fundraising
  • joint fundraising
  • collaborative fundraising
Both 'group fundraising' and 'group financing' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'Group fundraising' refers to the collective effort of raising money for a specific cause or project, while 'group financing' typically involves the pooling of resources to fund a business venture or investment. The choice between the two depends on the nature of the financial activity being described.

Last Updated: March 29, 2024

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