Which one is correct?
"grabbing opportunity" or "holding opportunity"?

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grabbing opportunity

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to convey the idea of seizing an opportunity quickly and decisively.

This phrase is used to describe the action of taking advantage of an opportunity promptly and effectively.


  • He is good at grabbing opportunities when they arise.
  • She didn't hesitate in grabbing the opportunity to showcase her talent.
  • The company is known for grabbing opportunities in the market.
  • Grabbing opportunities is key to success in this industry.
  • Don't miss out on grabbing the opportunity to learn from experts.


  • seizing opportunity
  • taking advantage of opportunity
  • making the most of opportunity
  • capitalizing on opportunity
  • jumping at the chance

holding opportunity

This phrase is correct and can be used in the context of maintaining or keeping an opportunity for a longer period.

This phrase is used to describe the action of retaining or preserving an opportunity for future use or benefit.


  • He believes in holding onto opportunities until the right moment.
  • The company is focused on holding opportunities for long-term growth.
  • She is skilled at holding onto opportunities and maximizing their potential.
  • Holding opportunities requires strategic planning and patience.
  • Don't let go of the opportunity; holding onto it may bring greater rewards.


  • maintaining opportunity
  • preserving opportunity
  • retaining opportunity
  • keeping opportunity
  • securing opportunity
Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different meanings. 'Grabbing opportunity' implies taking advantage of an opportunity quickly and decisively, while 'holding opportunity' suggests maintaining or keeping an opportunity for a longer period. The choice between the two depends on the context and the specific action related to the opportunity.

Last Updated: March 24, 2024

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