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go to bed vs go to sleep

Both "go to bed" and "go to sleep" are correct phrases in English, but they are used in different contexts. "Go to bed" specifically refers to physically getting into bed, while "go to sleep" refers to the action of falling asleep. They are not interchangeable as they convey slightly different meanings.

Last updated: April 04, 2024 • 72 views

go to bed

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate the action of physically getting into bed to sleep. It is a common and natural way to express the idea of preparing to sleep.


  • It's getting late, I should go to bed.
  • I always go to bed early on weekdays.
  • She told the children to go to bed.
  • He goes to bed at the same time every night.
  • I usually go to bed after midnight.
  • Heat water, so the officer can wash his feet and go to bed.
  • You can go to bed now, Larry.
  • I like a nice chat before I go to bed.
  • I may not go to bed at all till the family gets back in September.
  • I'd better go to bed.
  • I go to bed early, too.
  • Now we'll go to bed hungry every night.
  • Then you should go to bed too.
  • No, just a set time every night That jen makes you go to bed.
  • I need to brush my teeth and go to bed.
  • Gail, take a pill and go to bed.
  • Rookies don't go to bed before us.
  • You're right, we should go to bed.
  • You can go to bed, Nastasie.
  • I'll bathe before I go to bed.
  • I really think you should go to bed.
  • Now you can all go to bed.
  • I go to bed thinking about this technique.
  • In Lutetia this is when I go to bed.
  • You go to bed, to your homes.


  • get into bed
  • head to bed
  • retire for the night
  • hit the hay
  • hit the sack

go to sleep

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate the action of falling asleep. It is a common way to express the idea of transitioning from being awake to being asleep.


  • After reading a book, I usually go to sleep.
  • It takes me a while to go to sleep at night.
  • She goes to sleep as soon as her head hits the pillow.
  • He goes to sleep with the TV on.
  • I can't go to sleep without my favorite blanket.
  • Go To Sleep Lyrics: I ain't gonna eat, I ain't gonna sleep / Ain't gonna breathe 'til I see what I wanna see / And what I wanna see is you go to sleep in ...
  • The meaning of GO TO SLEEP is to begin sleeping. How to use go to sleep in a sentence.


  • fall asleep
  • drift off to sleep
  • get some shut-eye
  • hit the hay
  • hit the sack

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