Which one is correct?
"go back home" or "go back to home"?

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go back home

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate returning to one's place of residence or origin.

This phrase is the more natural and common way to express returning to one's place of residence or origin. It is widely used in everyday language.


  • After the trip, we were happy to go back home.
  • She decided to go back home early.
  • Let's go back home before it gets dark.
  • He missed his family and wanted to go back home.
  • The dog ran ahead, eager to go back home.


  • return home
  • head back home
  • get back home
  • come back home
  • return to home

go back to home

This phrase is correct but less common in English. It may imply a specific location within the home.

This phrase can be used when referring to returning to a specific location within the home, such as a particular room or area. It is less common than "go back home."


  • After playing outside, the kids went back to home to wash up.
  • She rushed back to home to grab her forgotten keys.
  • Let's go back to home and finish our project.
  • He always goes back to home before dinner.
  • The cat ran back to home when it started raining.


  • go back home
  • return home
  • head back home
  • get back home
  • come back home
Both "go back to home" and "go back home" are commonly used phrases in English, but they have slightly different meanings. "Go back home" is the more natural and common way to express returning to one's place of residence or origin. On the other hand, "go back to home" is less common and may imply a specific location within the home, such as a particular room or area.

Last Updated: March 24, 2024

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