Which is correct:
"get rid of him" or "destroy him"?

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get rid of him

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English. It means to remove or eliminate someone or something.

This phrase is used when you want to express the idea of removing or eliminating someone or something in a casual or less aggressive way.


  • We need to get rid of the old furniture.
  • Let's get rid of all the junk in the garage.
  • I want to get rid of him from my life.
  • Can we get rid of this problem once and for all?
  • It's time to get rid of the old habits.


  • remove him
  • eliminate him
  • discard him
  • dispose of him
  • do away with him

destroy him

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English. It means to cause serious harm or damage to someone or something.

This phrase is used when you want to convey a strong sense of causing harm or damage to someone or something. It is more intense and aggressive than 'get rid of him.'


  • The hurricane will destroy the entire town.
  • He vowed to destroy his enemy.
  • The fire destroyed the building.
  • The virus can destroy your computer.
  • The dictator's regime sought to destroy all opposition.


  • annihilate him
  • wreck him
  • ruin him
  • demolish him
  • obliterate him
Both phrases are correct, but they have different connotations and are used in different contexts. 'Get rid of him' is a more casual and less aggressive way of saying that someone should be removed or eliminated, while 'destroy him' is much stronger and implies causing serious harm or damage. The choice between the two depends on the level of intensity or aggression you want to convey.

Last updated: March 19, 2024

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