Which is correct:
"Football's early days" or "Early days of football"?

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Football's early days

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase refers to the initial period or early history of football as a sport.


  • In football's early days, the rules were quite different.
  • Football's early days were marked by a lack of standardized regulations.
  • Football's early days saw the sport evolving rapidly.
  • Football's early days were characterized by a variety of playing styles.
  • Football's early days laid the foundation for the modern game.


  • the early days of football
  • the beginnings of football
  • the early history of football
  • the formative years of football
  • the inception of football

Early days of football

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase also refers to the initial period or early history of football as a sport.


  • The early days of football were marked by a lack of standardized rules.
  • In the early days of football, matches were often played without proper equipment.
  • The early days of football saw the emergence of different playing strategies.
  • During the early days of football, the sport gained popularity rapidly.
  • The early days of football laid the groundwork for its future development.


  • football's early history
  • the beginnings of football
  • the early period of football
  • the formative years of football
  • the inception of football
Both phrases are correct and commonly used in English. They convey the same meaning but have a slightly different emphasis. 'Football's early days' focuses on the early period of football itself, while 'early days of football' emphasizes the beginning of the sport.

Last updated: March 31, 2024

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