Which is correct:
"footballer" or "football player"?

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This is a correct term to refer to a person who plays football. It is commonly used in British English and other English-speaking countries.

You can use 'footballer' to describe a professional or amateur player of the sport of football. It is a widely accepted term in the sports world.


  • He is a talented footballer who plays for the national team.
  • The young footballer scored a hat-trick in the match.


  • soccer player
  • player of football
  • football athlete
  • football competitor
  • football performer

football player

This is also a correct term to refer to a person who plays football. It is commonly used in American English and other English-speaking regions.

You can use 'football player' to describe a professional or amateur player of the sport of football. It is a widely accepted term in the sports world.


  • She is a dedicated football player who trains every day.
  • The team has recruited a new football player for the upcoming season.


  • soccer player
  • player of football
  • football athlete
  • football competitor
  • football performer
Both 'footballer' and 'football player' are correct terms to refer to someone who plays football. They are interchangeable and can be used based on personal preference or regional variations.

Last updated: March 22, 2024

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