Which is correct:
"food ban" or "food trade ban"?

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food ban

This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to a prohibition or restriction on certain types of food.

It is used to describe a situation where a specific type of food is not allowed to be consumed or sold due to various reasons such as safety concerns or regulations.


  • The government imposed a food ban on imported fruits due to a contamination scare.
  • There was a temporary food ban on shellfish harvesting in the area.
  • The school implemented a food ban on sugary snacks to promote healthier eating habits.
  • The food ban on genetically modified organisms sparked a debate among consumers.
  • The restaurant faced a fine for violating the food ban on serving raw meat.


  • food prohibition
  • food restriction
  • food embargo
  • food control measure
  • food safety regulation

food trade ban

This phrase is correct and specifically refers to a prohibition on the trading of food products.

It is used when describing a situation where there are restrictions or prohibitions on the import or export of food items between countries or regions.


  • The food trade ban between the two countries led to shortages of essential goods.
  • The government imposed a food trade ban to protect local farmers from foreign competition.
  • The international community criticized the food trade ban as it affected access to vital food supplies.
  • The food trade ban was lifted after negotiations between the trading partners.
  • The economic impact of the food trade ban was significant for both countries.


  • food trading restriction
  • food commerce embargo
  • food import/export ban
  • food market blockade
  • food exchange prohibition
Both phrases are correct, but they have different meanings and contexts. 'Food ban' refers to a prohibition or restriction on certain types of food, while 'food trade ban' specifically refers to a prohibition on the trading of food products. They are not directly comparable as they convey different ideas.

Last updated: March 19, 2024

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