Which is correct:
"follow the trend" or "Getting trendy"?

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follow the trend

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to mean observing and conforming to popular patterns or behaviors.

This phrase is used to indicate the act of observing and conforming to popular patterns or behaviors in various contexts, such as fashion, technology, or social media.


  • She always follows the trend and updates her wardrobe accordingly.
  • As a marketer, it's important to follow the trend and adapt your strategies.
  • The company decided to follow the trend of remote work and implemented flexible policies.
  • He doesn't like to follow the trend and prefers to create his own style.
  • Following the trend in social media can help increase engagement with your audience.


  • go with the flow
  • keep up with the times
  • stay current
  • be in vogue
  • follow the crowd

Getting trendy

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to mean becoming fashionable or popular.

This phrase is used to describe something or someone becoming fashionable or popular, often in the context of style, music, or culture.


  • Her new haircut is getting trendy among young people.
  • The restaurant is getting trendy because of its unique menu.
  • The band's music is getting trendy on social media.
  • This fashion brand is getting trendy due to its sustainable practices.
  • He's getting trendy with his new streetwear style.


  • becoming fashionable
  • gaining popularity
  • becoming hip
  • getting in vogue
  • becoming stylish
Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different meanings. 'Follow the trend' suggests observing and conforming to a popular pattern or behavior, while 'getting trendy' implies becoming fashionable or popular. The choice between the two depends on whether you want to emphasize observing and conforming to trends or becoming fashionable yourself.

Last updated: June 11, 2024

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