fits your schedule or suits your schedule?

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fits your schedule

This phrase is correct.

The phrase "fits your schedule" relates to whether the time of an event is suitable for someone's schedule. It is often used when scheduling meetings or other activities.

Some examples from our editors:

  • I can come over at pm That fits your schedule, right?
  • I'm free anytime next week What time fits your schedule?
  • I can't join you for lunch today Is there another day that fits your schedule?
  • I'm not sure when I'll be available Which day fits your schedule?
  • How about we meet on Thursday at am? I hope that fits your schedule
  • Let me check my calendar and get back to you with a date that fits your schedule

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • Fits your timetable
  • Fits your agenda
  • Is compatible with your schedule
  • Suits your schedule
  • Aligns with your schedule
  • Fits your itinerary

suits your schedule

This phrase is correct.

The phrase "suits your schedule" is typically used when asking someone if they are available at a certain time.

Some examples from our editors:

  • I can come over tomorrow That suits your schedule, doesn't it?
  • I'm free all day on Monday Can you tell me what time suits your schedule?
  • I'll be in town for two weeks Is there a certain date that suits your schedule?
  • I have a few hours free this afternoon If that suits your schedule, let me know
  • I'll be available to meet at am Please tell me whether that suits your schedule
  • I'll be in your city next week What day suits your schedule?

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • Fits your schedule
  • Works for your schedule
  • Is convenient for your schedule
  • Coordinates with your schedule
  • Is compatible with your schedule
  • Is in line with your schedule
Both phrases are correct. Both "fits" and "suits" can be used before "your schedule" with little to no difference in meaning.
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Explained by Vince
Editor at TextRanch

Last updated: September 07, 2022

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