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figure shows a progressive increase in vs exhibits a progressive increase in

Both phrases are correct and commonly used in English. They are interchangeable and can be used to describe a visual representation or data that demonstrates a continuous rise in something. The choice between 'figure shows' and 'exhibits' is a matter of personal preference or style.

Last updated: March 20, 2024 • 1007 views

figure shows a progressive increase in

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe a visual representation or data that demonstrates a continuous rise in something.
  • This figure shows a progressive increase in the number of acute cases of hepatitis E in older male patients over the period, and panel B demonstrates the ...
  • Oct 12, 2012 ... The Figure shows a progressive increase in mortality with worsening magnitude of sTPD. Overall, the annualized mortality rate was 0.87%, ...
  • Feb 6, 2008 ... This corrected figure shows a progressive increase in normalized baseline velocity and smaller increases in hyperemic velocity due to the ...
  • Duncan Multiple Range Test (Table 1), the figure shows a progressive increase in oil yield as pressure increased steadily from 602.91 to 925. 84 KN/m2 but ...


  • exhibits a progressive increase in
  • displays a progressive increase in
  • illustrates a progressive increase in
  • demonstrates a progressive increase in
  • depicts a progressive increase in

exhibits a progressive increase in

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe a visual representation or data that demonstrates a continuous rise in something.
  • Jan 17, 2012 ... The phylogenetic trend of these species exhibits a progressive increase in the size, a flattening of the test and a general trend of the ...
  • The phylogenetic trend of these species exhibits a progressive increase in the size, a flattening of the test and a general trend of the coalescence of granules ...
  • Nov 25, 2015 ... Five years experience as an AutoCAD operator that exhibits a progressive increase in responsibilities. 3. Demonstrated competency in the ...
  • relation to the pattern of age-specific mortality, a population being said to experience senescence if it exhibits a progressive increase in the age-specific death.


  • figure shows a progressive increase in
  • displays a progressive increase in
  • illustrates a progressive increase in
  • demonstrates a progressive increase in
  • depicts a progressive increase in

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