Which is correct:
"Favor" or "Favor "?

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1,330,000,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Honey, just do me a Favor and wait inside.
  • Favor to your brother so you could lay low.
  • Favor's sometimes better than cash.
  • Favor from a friend, so we could talk uninterrupted.
  • Still, Do My Department A Favor.
  • Heart-shaped Favor Tin With Bow (Set of...
  • Party Favor Festival Decoration Halloween Toy (H8956013)
  • "Favor" spelled "e-r," by the way.
  • Favor - I need you to stay away from the lab for a bit.
  • Favor of my rule changes with the wind.
  • from Your overflowing Favor that You gave to him without effort
  • Treat me with Your great Favor!
  • Points, known as "Favor," are earned by kills and other methods.
  • Favor to your brother so you could lay low.
  • In September 2018, she starred as Stephanie Smothers in the mystery-thriller film A Simple Favor.
  • I Sense A Favor About To Be Asked.
  • You can obtain the Axiom that corresponds to a mission by spending 199 Fee'z or by using a Council Favor.
  • The second verse continues, "and completes His Favor to you".
  • Therefore, it's perfect to set Reasonable Objectives, if you Decide to Consider Male Enlargement pills That work, Inside your Favor.
  • Yes, now this, if it could really happen, this changes everything in our Favor.


890,000,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Favor from a friend, so we could talk uninterrupted.
  • -Honey, just do me a Favor and wait inside.
  • One favor... it's all I asked.
  • Favor to your brother so you could lay low.
  • I Think I Did Everyone A Favor With That One.
  • I Sense A Favor About To Be Asked.
  • The senate will vote in our Favor, I'm sure of it.
  • "Favor." I looked it up on Youtube.
  • Favor. Could I stay in your room tonight?
  • Yes, now this, iF it could really happen, this changes everything in our Favor.
  • "Favor." I looked it up on Youtube.
  • Did You Ever Thinkthat I Was Trying To Do You A Favor?
  • So Remember At Lunch How You Said You Owe Me A Big Favor?
  • His Name Is Robert Russell, And You Better Be Nice To Him 'Cause He's Doing You A Big Favor, All Right?
  • Actually, I... need another favor.
  • This favor is tailor-made for you.
  • Ambitious aristocrats trouncing one another to gain royal favor.
  • One favor, collectible at my discretion.
  • Traded my last favor for that.
  • Their favor extends beyond the arena.
A complete search of the internet has found that "Favor " is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: February 19, 2021

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