Which is correct:
"extended with" or "extended by"?

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extended with

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when adding something to make something longer or larger. It indicates the addition of extra elements or features.


  • The house was extended with a new wing.
  • The contract was extended with additional clauses.
  • The recipe was extended with new ingredients.
  • The garden was extended with a new flower bed.
  • The presentation was extended with more slides.


  • expanded with
  • lengthened with
  • enlarged with
  • augmented with
  • enhanced with

extended by

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when indicating the agent or means by which something is extended. It shows the cause or method of extension.


  • The deadline was extended by the manager.
  • The project was extended by a week.
  • The road was extended by the construction crew.
  • The play was extended by popular demand.
  • The warranty was extended by the manufacturer.


  • prolonged by
  • lengthened by
  • stretched by
  • expanded by
  • increased by
Both 'extended with' and 'extended by' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Extended with' is used when adding something to make something longer or larger, while 'extended by' is used when indicating the agent or means by which something is extended.

Last updated: March 22, 2024

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