Which is correct:
"experience with" or "experience of"?

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experience with

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use 'experience with' when referring to personal involvement or knowledge of something. For example, 'I have experience with managing teams.'


  • She has a lot of experience with customer service.
  • Do you have any experience with coding?
  • He gained valuable experience with public speaking.
  • My experience with cooking has taught me a lot.
  • They have extensive experience with project management.


  • knowledge of
  • familiarity with
  • expertise in
  • skill in
  • proficiency in

experience of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use 'experience of' when describing a particular event or situation that someone has encountered. For example, 'She shared her experience of traveling to Japan.'


  • He has a lot of experience of working in different countries.
  • She shared her experience of climbing Mount Everest.
  • What was your experience of studying abroad?
  • They have firsthand experience of the challenges faced by small businesses.
  • The book provides a detailed account of the author's experience of war.


  • encounter with
  • encounter of
  • involvement in
  • participation in
  • engagement with
Both 'experience with' and 'experience of' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Experience with' is used when referring to personal involvement or knowledge of something, while 'experience of' is used when describing a particular event or situation that someone has encountered.

Last updated: March 23, 2024

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