Which is correct:
"Exhilirating to" or "Exhilirating by"?

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Exhilirating to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe the feeling or experience of being exhilarated by something. It indicates the impact or effect of the exhilarating experience on a person.


  • The roller coaster ride was exhilarating to me.
  • The breathtaking view was exhilarating to the hikers.
  • The concert was exhilarating to the audience.
  • The adventure was exhilarating to the participants.
  • The challenge was exhilarating to the competitors.


  • exhilarating for
  • exhilarating for me
  • exhilarating for them
  • exhilarating for us
  • exhilarating for the audience

Exhilirating by

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate the cause or source of the exhilaration. It highlights what is responsible for creating the exhilarating experience.


  • The movie was exhilarating by its fast-paced action.
  • The performance was exhilarating by the talented actors.
  • The adventure was exhilarating by the stunning scenery.
  • The game was exhilarating by the intense competition.
  • The music was exhilarating by its powerful beats.


  • exhilarating because of
  • exhilarating due to
  • exhilarating from
  • exhilarating as a result of
  • exhilarating thanks to
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Exhilarating to' is used when describing the feeling or experience of being exhilarated by something, while 'exhilarating by' is used when indicating the cause or source of the exhilaration.

Last updated: March 31, 2024

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