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excluded from vs excluded of

Both "excluded from" and "excluded of" are commonly used phrases in English, but they are used in different contexts. "Excluded from" is the correct and more widely accepted phrase when indicating that someone or something is not included in a particular group or category. On the other hand, "excluded of" is not a standard English construction and is not commonly used.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 1620 views

excluded from

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate that someone or something is not included in a particular group or category.

Use "excluded from" when indicating that someone or something is not part of a specific group or category.


  • She was excluded from the team because of her behavior.
  • Children under 12 are excluded from the competition.
  • Students who fail the exam will be excluded from the graduation ceremony.
  • He felt excluded from the conversation.
  • The item was excluded from the sale.
  • Traded products have been excluded from the above calculation.
  • Some countries are excluded from the report because of a lack of reliable or confirmed information.
  • Of these, Edmund and Eadred were infants and thus excluded from the succession.
  • No female may become ruler, and female line descendants are generally excluded from succession.
  • Women are excluded from decision-making in community matters.
  • These rates are excluded from 31/07 to 24/08.
  • Previously, all women and many poor men had been excluded from voting.
  • Parents speaking at the rally argued that they were excluded from the decision making process.
  • The result was that his two younger sons Louis and Ernest were excluded from the government.
  • The clergy and peasant estates were excluded from the recommendation.
  • Food supplements are excluded from the scope of Directive 90/496/EEC on nutrition labelling.
  • 3.2 The following events are furthermore excluded from the warranty:
  • Products whose serial numbers have been modified, removed or made illegible are excluded from the guarantee.
  • The B&B owner or other stakeholders are excluded from participation.
  • Those who are excluded from martyrdom by betraying Him will also be excluded from Heaven, and fall into the hell of Hades along with Satan.
  • Allowed depreciation is excluded from the price cap mechanism.
  • Electricity produced under these special circumstances should be excluded from auctioning.
  • These citizens are therefore totally excluded from this public discussion.
  • Artificial reporting units are excluded from this requirement.
  • The application excluded from the use pregnant and lactating women.


  • omitted from
  • left out of
  • not included in
  • kept out of
  • barred from

excluded of

This phrase is not a standard English construction and is not commonly used. It is incorrect to use "excluded of" in place of "excluded from".

  • No offense to the little people, present company excluded of course.
  • In order to be considered eligible for Community funding, costs incurred in the implementation of research and development activities shall be excluded of value added tax.
  • According to Unicef (April 2007), children with disabilities are among the most stigmatised and excluded of all the world's children.
  • The reserved area should not be excluded of the financing of the universal service obligations as long as the Commission has note made a complete study in the financing methods.
  • In both situations, competitors may lose market shares on the market at manufacturing level, see their profitability reduced, or may be excluded of the market, whereas potential competitors may be prevented from market access.
  • As the exploitation and maintenance costs of a high-speed line are multiplied by 3 compared to a normal exploited line, de facto, the CEATF would be excluded of the market for such testing;

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