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Exactry do vs Do exactry

These two phrases are not comparable as they are not complete sentences. They seem to be fragments of larger sentences. Each one could be correct depending on the context in which they are used.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 945 views

Exactry do

This phrase could be correct in a sentence like 'What do you exactry do?' where 'exactry' is used as an adverb to modify the verb 'do'.

This phrase can be used in a question or statement to emphasize the specific action or behavior being discussed.
  • But aways knew exacty what to expect with him.
  • Bahamian Fisheries Department is not exacty Fort Knox, my friend.
  • ...which leads us exacly where we need to be...
  • I know eactly What he is.
  • I just want to know how excatly it will happen.
  • You weren't exacty a deprived kid.
  • Exacty at 16,30 we'll have a special Christmas broadcast of "We are proud to present".
  • What did the major excactly tell you?
  • Not doing things... leaves things exactlyas they were.
  • The girl will be treated exaclty as she deserves
  • yes sir tell me exectly what happen that night.
  • You just hit the disappointment exacta.
  • I gotten into a call to see what excatly happened... but...
  • Which is excatly why we shouldn't be touching anything.
  • A woman can say it. E*xactly.
  • Smurf-xactly. These will take us directly to Master Winslow's mushroom.
  • Until we know exatly what happened in that flat, yes, it's worth investigating.
  • - This is exatly the kind of stuff the boss was talking about.
  • I tell Geoff and you tell Carmel at exatly the same time.
  • I hope you like biscuits and gravy because I brought extry.

Do exactry

This phrase could be correct in a sentence like 'I do exactry what I said I would do.' where 'do' is the main verb and 'exactry' is used to emphasize the action.

This phrase can be used to emphasize the exact action being performed or to clarify a statement.
  • But aways knew exacty what to expect with him.
  • Bahamian Fisheries Department is not exacty Fort Knox, my friend.
  • ...which leads us exacly where we need to be...
  • I know eactly What he is.
  • I just want to know how excatly it will happen.
  • You weren't exacty a deprived kid.
  • Exacty at 16,30 we'll have a special Christmas broadcast of "We are proud to present".
  • What did the major excactly tell you?
  • Not doing things... leaves things exactlyas they were.
  • The girl will be treated exaclty as she deserves
  • yes sir tell me exectly what happen that night.
  • You just hit the disappointment exacta.
  • I gotten into a call to see what excatly happened... but...
  • Which is excatly why we shouldn't be touching anything.
  • A woman can say it. E*xactly.
  • Smurf-xactly. These will take us directly to Master Winslow's mushroom.
  • Until we know exatly what happened in that flat, yes, it's worth investigating.
  • - This is exatly the kind of stuff the boss was talking about.
  • I tell Geoff and you tell Carmel at exatly the same time.
  • I hope you like biscuits and gravy because I brought extry.

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