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eversince i can remember vs for as far back as i can remember

Both phrases are correct and commonly used to express a duration of time from the past. They are interchangeable and convey the same meaning.

Last updated: March 20, 2024 • 1217 views

eversince i can remember

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express a duration of time from the past.

This phrase is used to indicate that something has been happening or true since the earliest point in one's memory.


  • I've loved chocolate eversince I can remember.
  • She has been a great friend eversince I can remember.
  • Eversince I can remember I have been making stuff and it has always been a dream of mine to have my very own workshop where I can let loose my creativity  ...
  • Eversince I can remember I always had a camera in my hand. Growing up as a child I was extremely shy and didnt speak much. But I used photography as a ...
  • Synchronized buddy boardin' !! @summitparks #gregphillips @bigtallll. Eversince I can remember I always wanted to be a part of snowboarding and film for.
  • I don't know how else to explain this other than this is the sound that God has written in my heart eversince I can remember. Playing this beautiful instrument has ...


  • for as long as I can remember
  • since I can remember

for as far back as i can remember

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express a duration of time from the past.

This phrase is used to indicate that something has been happening or true since the earliest point in one's memory, emphasizing the extent of time.


  • I've loved chocolate for as far back as I can remember.
  • She has been a great friend for as far back as I can remember.
  • As far back as I can remember... As far back as possible · as far back as six years · as far back as.. As far back as...duplicate... for as far back as I can remember
  • Sep 15, 2009 ... for as far back as I can remember. Discussion in 'Spanish-English Vocabulary / Vocabulario Español-Inglés' started by ((Diablo)), Sep 15, 2009 ...
  • so farhasta el momento. so far so goodtodo bien de momento. for as far back as I can rememberhasta donde alcanzo a recordar. to work far into the nighttrabajar ...
  • I've known I was female for as far back as I can remember. This caused me to become severely depressed from a very young age. From a very young age I was  ...


  • eversince I can remember
  • for as long as I can remember

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