Which is correct:
"Entire family" or "Full family"?

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Entire family

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to every member of a family, emphasizing completeness. It is commonly used in sentences like 'The entire family went on vacation.'


  • The entire family attended the wedding.
  • We spent the weekend with the entire family.
  • The entire family is invited to the party.
  • She cooked dinner for the entire family.
  • The entire family gathered for the holiday.


  • whole family
  • complete family
  • all family members
  • every family member
  • the family as a whole

Full family

This phrase is correct but less common in English.

This phrase can also be used to refer to all family members, but it is less common than 'entire family'. It may imply the presence of all family members without emphasizing completeness.


  • The full family gathered for the reunion.
  • We had a barbecue with the full family.
  • The full family supported him during the difficult time.
  • She wanted to introduce him to the full family.
  • The full family enjoyed the day at the park.


  • entire family
  • whole family
  • complete family
  • all family members
  • every family member
Both 'entire family' and 'full family' are correct phrases, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Entire family' is more commonly used and refers to every member of a family, emphasizing completeness. On the other hand, 'full family' can also be correct but is less common and may imply the presence of all family members without emphasizing completeness.

Last updated: March 17, 2024

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