Which is correct:
"enough of" or "it's enough of"?

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enough of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to express that a particular situation or behavior has reached a limit or is no longer tolerable.

This phrase is used to indicate that there has been a sufficient amount of something, often implying that it is no longer wanted or needed. It is commonly used in expressions like 'enough of this nonsense' or 'enough of your excuses.'


  • Enough of your complaining!
  • I've had enough of this cold weather.
  • Enough of the lies, tell me the truth.
  • We've had enough of waiting for you.
  • Enough of the noise, please be quiet.


  • too much of
  • plenty of
  • sufficient amount of
  • adequate amount of
  • ample of

it's enough of

This phrase is correct but less common in everyday usage. It is used to emphasize that a certain quantity or amount is sufficient.

This phrase is used to stress that a particular quantity or amount is adequate or satisfactory. It is often followed by a noun or pronoun to specify what is sufficient. For example, 'it's enough of food for everyone' or 'it's enough of work for today.'


  • It's enough of a challenge for me.
  • It's enough of an explanation for now.
  • It's enough of a reason to leave.
  • It's enough of a mess to clean up.
  • It's enough of a distance to walk.


  • adequate amount of
  • sufficient amount of
  • satisfactory amount of
  • sufficient quantity of
  • ample amount of
Both 'enough of' and 'it's enough of' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Enough of' is commonly used to express that a particular situation or behavior has reached a limit or is no longer tolerable. On the other hand, 'it's enough of' is less common and is used to emphasize that a certain quantity or amount is sufficient.

Last updated: March 28, 2024

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