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english vs English people

Both phrases are correct, but they have different meanings and usage. 'English' refers to the language, while 'English people' refers to the inhabitants of England. They are not directly comparable as they represent different concepts.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 1068 views


This is correct. 'English' refers to the language spoken in England.

Use 'English' when referring to the language itself, such as 'I am learning English.'


  • I speak English fluently.
  • English is widely spoken around the world.
  • Katsuko is at the head of her class in english.
  • CD with Software and documentation (english)
  • Those in first class are English and Irish.
  • Let the English mourn its loss.
  • No, dating your English teacher is extreme.
  • Please click here to download the english version of the press release.
  • Just to find my English book.
  • An English muffin with nooks and crannies.
  • The English version should be somewhere.
  • Mr. Hitchcock was a perfect English gentleman.
  • Not in English cricket, anyway.
  • I used inappropriate language in English class.
  • Just finished my English homework with Anne.
  • We understand that you teach the English.
  • Members of the English contingent are leaving.
  • Someone's crushing on her English teacher.
  • Today held no glory for English law.
  • A fancy English Humber Hawk with leather seats.
  • This guy really likes scoring tries against the English...
  • The patron saint of English booksellers.


  • English language
  • the English tongue
  • the language of England
  • the language spoken in England
  • the English dialect

English people

This is correct. 'English people' refers to the inhabitants of England.

Use 'English people' when referring to the population or citizens of England, such as 'English people are known for their politeness.'


  • English people enjoy drinking tea.
  • I met some friendly English people on my trip.
  • Hardly any English people use wallets.
  • I have at least one because there were other English people staying in my hotel and are now on this train.
  • I don't think that English people would ever forgive him.
  • I don't think that English people would ever forgive him.
  • I like England and the English people, but I sure couldn't take this climate.
  • Princess. I will always feel so unhappy... thinking of you being among all those English people.
  • The English people will go so far, Capt. Blood... and then they get up on their stubborn hind legs.
  • To Leslie Grade, who represents me in Europe or Mr Val Parnell or just anyone at all, it took a long time, but I just want to talk to you, the English people.
  • It is clear that, if two English people have a road accident in France, they are going to apply France's traffic laws - they would not be able to see someone driving on the left as being in the right.
  • However, may I ask whether he would be prepared, along with myself, to condemn those narrow-minded nationalists who continue to utter and perpetrate racist comments within his own party against English people?
  • And what, may I ask, are four charming English people doing in the Carpathians?
  • You must talk to other English people.
  • Everywhere I go, English people are fascinated by my hands.
  • There is a thing where Americans feel that English people do it better.
  • Sorry, Meera, I was just thinking of the English people.
  • These English people can be so rude and unhelpful.
  • I thought English people were supposed to be polite.
  • English people wear England shirts and Irish people wear Ireland shirts.
  • A lot of English people are used to the flavour of the bottle.
  • I guess I just had a yen to live in England for a while and do the things that English people do.


  • people from England
  • the population of England
  • citizens of England
  • those from England
  • residents of England

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