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duration of use vs use duration

Both "duration of use" and "use duration" are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. "Duration of use" is commonly used when discussing the length of time something has been used, while "use duration" is more commonly used to refer to the length of time something is used for a specific purpose.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 1603 views

duration of use

This phrase is correct and commonly used when discussing the length of time something has been used.

This phrase is used to refer to the period of time during which something has been used or utilized.


  • The duration of use for this software is one year.
  • The duration of use for the equipment is limited to five hours per day.
  • The duration of use for the product is determined by the manufacturer.
  • Jan 18, 2018 ... Risk reductions for endometrial cancer strengthened with duration of use (long-term OC use HR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.56-0.78; P < .001 for trend); the ...
  • Feb 22, 2021 ... ... drugs to establish a defined duration of use for those indications that ... does not provide an appropriately targeted duration of use.
  • A combined search was performed for the duration of use and safety of GCs in RA patients. Dose-defined and time-defined GC treatment of any dose and duration ( ...
  • Mar 17, 2017 ... The duration of use and number of prescriptions and cumulative dose (expressed in morphine milligram equivalents*) for the first episode of ...
  • Apr 28, 2020 ... The effect of type of oral contraceptive pill and duration of use on fresh and cumulative live birth rates in IVF/ICSI cycles. Hum Reprod.
  • May 24, 2023 ... Examples of duration of use in a sentence, how to use it. 13 examples: A number of studies have indicated that the protective influence of ...
  • Hydroquinone for skin lightening: safety profile, duration of use and when should we stop? J Dermatolog Treat. 2010 Sep;21(5):272-5. doi: ...
  • In calculating the duration referred to in Section 1 of Chapter I of Annex VIII of MDR, continuous use means: '(a) The entire duration of use of the same device ...
  • New duration of use and dose limits for Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs). Beginning June 1, 2017, Washington Apple Health (Medicaid), administered by the ...


  • length of use
  • time of use
  • period of use
  • usage duration

use duration

This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to the length of time something is used for a specific purpose.

This phrase is used to indicate the amount of time something is utilized for a particular function or activity.


  • The use duration of the equipment is limited to two hours per session.
  • The use duration of the medication should be followed as prescribed by the doctor.
  • The use duration of the tool depends on the frequency of use.
  • AIFs should not use duration netting rules in the hedging duration-netting rules may be used to convert the remaining interest rate derivatives into their equivalent underlying asset positions.
  • AIFs should not use duration netting rules in the hedging calculation. The duration-netting rules may be used to convert the remaining interest rate derivatives into their equivalent underlying asset positions.
  • Short-dated interest rate derivatives shall not be the main source of performance for an AIF with medium duration which uses the duration netting rules.
  • The number of authorisations granted to use the duration based equity risk sub-module for the Solvency Capital Requirement calculation.
  • Use of a shorter duration must be justified.
  • The recommended duration of use is four days.
  • The duration of use of installations built
  • An AIF making use of the duration-netting rules may still make use of the hedging framework.
  • The use of those duration-netting rules shall not generate any unjustified level of leverage through investment in short-term positions.
  • the strength and duration of use of the current necessary to stun the various species concerned;
  • Unless otherwise indicated by your doctor the recommended durations of use of [Invented name] are: -
  • The rules are built on the concept of a risk-based approach related to the duration of use, invasiveness and hazards associated with the medical device.
  • 4. The duration of use of installations built
  • Small appliances are all those appliances which are in principle movable and which are not intended in principle to remain in their place of use for the duration of their service life.
  • Multiple regression and pooled group analyses evaluating the influence of treatment duration and use of induction dosing clearly identified treatment duration for 72 weeks as the primary driver for achieving a sustained virological response.
  • If however, having regard to the proposed duration of use in human beings, the investigator sees fit to carry out experiments of greater or lesser duration than indicated above, he must give adequate reasons for doing so.
  • - the obvious benefits are the long duration of use and the lack of compliance problems
  • Concerning discontinuation of long-term treatment of pregabalin there are no data of the incidence and severity of withdrawal symptoms in relation to duration of use and dosage of pregabalin.
  • For all HRT, an excess risk becomes apparent within a few years of use and increases with duration of intake but returns to baseline within a few (at most five) years after stopping treatment.
  • 3. Paragraph 1 (a) shall be without prejudice to any existing or future legislation on remuneration for reproduction for private use. CHAPTER III DURATION


  • duration for use
  • time for use
  • duration of usage
  • usage time

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