Which is correct:
"doubt" or "right"?

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500,000,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Sure, reasonable doubt for both.
  • You are incapable of admitting doubt.
  • It can take away the doubt and the fear.
  • And there is somebody here who has only doubt...
  • But enough to raise reasonable doubt.
  • His/her independence must be beyond doubt.
  • Is doubt corrupting our deep, sacred friendship...
  • All you have to do is create reasonable doubt.
  • A decision I yet hold in grievous doubt.
  • A decision I yet hold in grievous doubt.
  • Yet I now doubt path he travels.
  • If all you have is doubt, then you make doubt itself the weapon.
  • A veteran's mental health services amendment was recommended today by the House... Remember, reasonable doubt is a qualified doubt. Unreasonable...
  • Or someone creating doubt the right person was executed.
  • Sometimes people doubt how strong they really are.
  • I doubt Uncle Tariq would agree.
  • I doubt T'evgin knows your name.
  • I doubt Hitchin agrees with you.
  • Their independence must be beyond doubt.
  • I doubt they could stand the pace.


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7,690,000,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • National parliaments lose the right to ratify international treaties without this House gaining that right.
  • Any other right, including the right to damages can occur.
  • Keep right, at first intersection turn right into Argyle Road.
  • Go right, go right, go right.
  • Protection of the right to bargain collectively including the right to strike...
  • You both look right to one another, dress right, talk right and your manners are correct.
  • Radio - right right, radio the postcards...
  • The right person of the right character with the right knowledge...
  • Standard left left right right left right right main rounded main left-right-rounded hand held iPhone.
  • Smart is making the right decision at the right time.
  • And right after Ward threw a pretty good right hand.
  • That's the Mustang we talking about, right? Okay, right.
  • She needed the right accident, the right victim.
  • Selecting the right people for the right jobs.
  • You were right... right from the start.
  • Turn right, go downstairs and it's right across the street.
  • Now blink right to go right.
  • With the right access, install the right malware...
  • He's right, they might unleash it right away.
  • In November of 2001 Rosa breaks her right leg (right femur fracture).
A complete search of the internet has found that "right" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: August 05, 2020

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