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does not exist vs does not existed

The correct phrase is "does not exist." The verb "exist" is in the present tense, so it should be paired with the auxiliary verb "does not" to form a negative statement. "Does not existed" is incorrect because "existed" is the past tense form of the verb, which does not match the present tense of the main verb.

Last updated: March 20, 2024 • 2772 views

does not exist

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to form a negative statement in the present tense, indicating that something is not currently present or real.


  • The unicorn does not exist.
  • That species of bird does not exist in this region.
  • The secret passage does not exist in this castle.
  • The cure for that disease does not exist yet.
  • The perfect solution does not exist.
  • May 21, 2014 ... “Not exist in your industry” vs. “your industry does not exist” · 0 · “Saved as XML files” vs. “saved as some XML files” · 2 · “exist” vs. “there are”.
  • The internet does not exist. Maybe it did exist only a short time ago, but now it only remains as a blur, a cloud, a friend, a deadline, a redirect, or a 404. If it ever  ...
  • "The email account that you tried to reach does not exist..." This error usually occurs when there are typos in the recipient's email address. Some common errors ...
  • e-flux journalThe Internet Does Not Exist Edited by Julieta Aranda, Brian Kuan Wood, Anton Vidokle Contributions by Julian Assange, Franco “Bifo” Berardi, ...


  • is not real
  • is not present
  • is non-existent
  • does not occur
  • is not available

does not existed

This phrase is incorrect in English.

  • Dec 30, 2014 ... ... std::string> properties_; > > It seems that COLLATE binary does not existed in postgresql. What would > I do in postgresl for this use case?
  • 2015년 6월 30일 ... Nolly Boyz 15 hours ago. Thumb up guy this f*cking does not existed anywhere this is a other kind of exploitation. Read more Show less. Reply
  • There are many, many ages, pre-historic and historic, sex does not existed. Humanities, individuals existed, but sex, no! There was no sex nor a system of sexual ...
  • ... the specified ADR Base Directory does not existed [C:\program\11.2.0\ dbhome_1\database\<oracle_base>] specific directory does not exist ...

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