Which is correct:
"display an image" or "convey an image"?

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display an image

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to showing an image on a screen or a physical display.

This phrase is used when you want to show an image on a screen, monitor, or any other visual medium.


  • Please display the image on the screen.
  • The museum will display the artwork next week.
  • The website will display the images in a slideshow.
  • The TV will display the image in high definition.
  • The projector will display the image on the wall.


  • show an image
  • present an image
  • exhibit an image
  • project an image
  • put up an image

convey an image

This phrase is correct and is used when talking about communicating or expressing an idea or concept through various means, including images.

This phrase is used when you want to express or communicate an idea or concept through images or other forms of representation.


  • The artist wanted to convey an image of peace through the painting.
  • The advertisement aims to convey an image of luxury.
  • The documentary effectively conveys images of the natural world.
  • The poet uses words to convey vivid images to the readers.
  • The presentation should convey a clear image of the company's values.


  • communicate an image
  • express an image
  • portray an image
  • depict an image
  • represent an image
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Display an image' is commonly used when referring to showing an image on a screen or a physical display. On the other hand, 'Convey an image' is used when talking about communicating or expressing an idea or concept through various means, including images.

Last updated: March 22, 2024

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