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date and time work vs date and time works

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Date and time work' is used when referring to the concept of date and time functioning correctly. 'Date and time works' is used when referring to a singular entity, such as a software program or system, that handles date and time functionalities.

Last updated: March 28, 2024 • 14356 views

date and time work

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to the concept of date and time functioning correctly.

This phrase is used to indicate that the date and time are functioning properly or are suitable for a particular purpose.


  • The date and time work perfectly on my new watch.
  • Make sure the date and time work correctly on all devices.
  • The date and time work seamlessly in our scheduling system.
  • Sep 2, 2021 ... That date and time work for me. It's a subtle difference, but I feel this example better illustrates the date and time as two separate ...
  • Apr 4, 2014 ... How does Automatic date and time work in Android? · It's likely that it's just adjusting your timezone based on GPS positioning, which doesn't ...
  • Jun 23, 2015 ... How does the date and time work? Gameplay help. EDIT: I was able to find some information about how the date and time works. Still a bit ...
  • Oct 24, 2018 ... I have created several variables, such as timedate_PT (date and time work was done), and dayofweek used to extract the day (0 to 6).
  • Aug 4, 2024 ... Is there a plan to look at reports to audit when exactly work is being done? That is another reason to enter the actual date and time work ...
  • May 16, 2024 ... I have some other rules created under "Notifications" where %date% and %time% work as expected. I think I used the regular Rule Machine for ...
  • Jan 20, 2014 ... DATE and TIME work both as commands and as environment variables. date /t and echo %date% both have the same result of writing the current ...
  • Sep 16, 2020 ... If I create a new report in app.powerbi.com and create some tables with just those values and no filters, Approved Date and Time work just fine, ...
  • Jun 9, 2020 ... I just updated my antenna firmware and the date and time work now. https://www8.garmin.com/support/downloa ... sp?id=4039 · You must log in or ...
  • May 15, 2019 ... The process of scheduling interviews is tricky. There are lots of people whose schedules need to line up in order to make this happen.


  • date and time are functioning properly
  • date and time are accurate
  • date and time are set correctly

date and time works

This phrase is correct when referring to a singular entity, such as a software program or system, that handles date and time functionalities.

This phrase is used to describe a singular entity, like a software program, that is responsible for managing date and time functionalities.


  • The software that handles date and time works flawlessly.
  • Our new system for date and time works efficiently.
  • The application's date and time works without any issues.
  • How date and time works on NixOS? Help · nixosfan September 8, 2024, 1:03am 1. Hi, i'm a new user i'm still learning NixOS and i'd like to understand how ...
  • Apr 1, 2021 ... I like to use CTR-SHIFT-D shortcut for this but needless to say no method to insert Date and Time works now. TextFX appears on the upper ...
  • Oct 21, 2020 ... I have an automation on the date column that after changing the status to done, it sets the current date and time. Works for me, now i know when it was solved.
  • Read on for tips and helpful English phrases. Useful phrases. Yes, [date and time] is fine. [Date and time] works for me. Does it work for ...
  • Jan 18, 2019 ... I connected it to Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite and now the date and time works correct! It seems that some phones do not work properly with ...
  • Jul 9, 2023 ... I'm not understanding how the date and time works in wappler for my country, 1 - my date and time in brazil: 2 - my date in database: 3 - in ...
  • Jun 23, 2015 ... EDIT: I was able to find some information about how the date and time works. Still a bit confused though. (This contains a bit of spoilers ...
  • Feb 2, 2011 ... However, if the number of items is odd the editing of date and time works just fine. I have absolutely no idea of what to do so please ...
  • Feb 19, 2021 ... but auto date and time works on my other devices. Some apps or devices bypass that setting while others don't, make sure you check those ...
  • Feb 8, 2023 ... This works well, except for the fact that the macros for date and time works differently in different parts of the world. For example, some ...


  • date and time management system works
  • date and time software works
  • date and time functionality works

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