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dataset vs data sets

Both 'dataset' and 'data sets' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Dataset' is a single word that refers to a collection of data, while 'data sets' is two words used when referring to multiple collections of data.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 1556 views


This is a correct term commonly used in English to refer to a collection of data.

Use 'dataset' when referring to a single collection of data. It is a widely accepted term in the field of data analysis and research.


  • The dataset contains information about customer preferences.
  • I need to analyze the dataset to draw conclusions.
  • Air cargo (general) - Complete dataset lodged pre-loading
  • The dataset used for benchmarking included 114 observations, covering the period 2007-2010.
  • Provides dataset and study report format and templates.
  • Mounds visualizes the entire dataset as large, gelatinous blobs which kind of jiggle.
  • Two datasets offer global coverage void-filled SRTM data at full resolution: the CGIAR-CSI versions and the USGS HydroSHEDS dataset.
  • NSW government releases Sydney public transport dataset
  • Does your mindset correspond to my dataset?
  • And here you have the dataset.
  • Each dataset consists of eleven (x, y) points.
  • Supports coordinate reprojection via PROJ. and EPSG geodetic parameters dataset
  • The dataset includes confirmed, possible and rejected locations.
  • LAYER: defines access and display properties for a spatial dataset.
  • The first screen allows you to assign a particular dataset to be substituted for each variable.
  • To download the dataset visit the Global Land Facility website.
  • The second screen allows you to add and remove sets of numbers in the dataset.
  • Now, not every dataset is behind a FOIL Request.
  • The dataset consists of 511 bond issues distributed on the Italian market.
  • By that date, the dataset shall be finalised, validated and accepted.
  • The table below presents detailed results from the regression analysis on the dataset.
  • You can create a dataset to filter the information, by specifying a restricting condition.


  • data set
  • data collection
  • information set
  • data array
  • data pool

data sets

This is a correct term used when referring to multiple collections of data.

Use 'data sets' when talking about more than one collection of data. It is the plural form of 'dataset'.


  • The data sets provided valuable insights into different aspects of the problem.
  • Researchers compared multiple data sets to validate their findings.
  • Only two-dimensional coordinate reference systems shall be used to represent INSPIRE orthoimagery data sets.
  • NSAs transmit back the same data sets with the corrected and completed information including confidentiality flags.
  • The results shall be transmitted in accordance with the structure of the statistical data sets defined in Annex VIII.
  • The data sets specified in this Annex define the periodicity for the maritime transport statistics required by the Community.
  • Fisheries management based on the best available scientific advice requires harmonised, reliable and accurate data sets.
  • Those Member States of origin shall also mark the corresponding data sets.
  • Mandatory if linkage to data sets on which the service operates are available.
  • Both data sets shall contain the variables identified in Annex 1.
  • Activities should tackle both technical and organisational issues, avoiding duplications and underdeveloped territorial data sets.
  • All proposed changes in monitoring methodologies or the underlying data sets shall be clearly stated, justified, fully documented and submitted to the competent authority.
  • All changes in methodologies or the underlying data sets shall be subject to approval from the competent authority.
  • So again, looking at very, very large data sets, and you saw those full-body scans that we can do.
  • Finally, it would increase the risk of using biometric identifiers as 'access keys' to various databases, thereby interconnecting data sets.
  • Part 2 below lists the ECB key families and related data sets in use by the ESCB.
  • But we may still reach many of the same conclusions, given similar data sets.
  • The NCBs shall report on their own initiative (partial) data sets, at any other time, when relevant new information becomes available.
  • The data sets used for electricity and gas respectively shall be compatible, notably with regard to assumptions on prices and volumes in each market.
  • This section gives the contents of the data sets that the Commission (Eurostat) and the national authorities shall transmit.
  • data sets with information on truncated enterprise groups.
  • Service to find differences between two data sets that represent the same geographical area at different times.


  • datasets
  • collections of data
  • sets of data
  • data arrays
  • data pools

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