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data set vs dataset

Both 'data set' and 'dataset' are correct, but 'dataset' is more commonly used in English. 'Dataset' is considered a single word in modern English and is the preferred term in technical and scientific contexts.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 1820 views

data set

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in modern English.

This phrase refers to a collection of data points or information. It is used to describe a group of related data.


  • The researchers analyzed the data set to draw conclusions.
  • The data set provided valuable insights into consumer behavior.
  • Document describing the nomenclature used in this data set.
  • - Katie has an inconsistent data set
  • Service to calculate the statistics of a data set.
  • Reference should be made to the derogations that apply to the data set.
  • The extent to which statistics are consistent within a given data set.
  • the data set prior to imputation with preliminary checks;
  • the fully checked data set after imputation.
  • Name of the Land Cover data set.
  • Contains the extent of the data set.
  • Information about the nomenclature used in this data set.
  • Identifier of a larger work data set.
  • First date at which this data set is valid in reality.
  • Representation of the production building in a Buildings data set.
  • An additional denomination of exposed element according to a nomenclature that is specific to the data set.
  • Name of a specific data set provided for Species Distribution.
  • a detailed description of the operational organisation for producing the data set.
  • You know, that'll help us focus on the larger data set.
  • You can take a data set and put it there.
  • Okay, I had to use a large data set because it was stored on an untrusted server, and if I amortized the verifiable computation...
  • A detailed list of this specific data set is described in the Annex to the Regulation.


  • dataset
  • data collection
  • data pool
  • data repository
  • data archive


This is the more commonly used term in modern English, especially in technical and scientific contexts.

This term refers to a collection of data points or information. It is widely accepted and used in various fields.


  • The dataset contains information about customer preferences.
  • She created a dataset for her research project.
  • Air cargo (general) - Complete dataset lodged pre-loading
  • The dataset used for benchmarking included 114 observations, covering the period 2007-2010.
  • Provides dataset and study report format and templates.
  • Mounds visualizes the entire dataset as large, gelatinous blobs which kind of jiggle.
  • Two datasets offer global coverage void-filled SRTM data at full resolution: the CGIAR-CSI versions and the USGS HydroSHEDS dataset.
  • NSW government releases Sydney public transport dataset
  • Does your mindset correspond to my dataset?
  • And here you have the dataset.
  • Each dataset consists of eleven (x, y) points.
  • Supports coordinate reprojection via PROJ. and EPSG geodetic parameters dataset
  • The dataset includes confirmed, possible and rejected locations.
  • LAYER: defines access and display properties for a spatial dataset.
  • The first screen allows you to assign a particular dataset to be substituted for each variable.
  • To download the dataset visit the Global Land Facility website.
  • The second screen allows you to add and remove sets of numbers in the dataset.
  • Now, not every dataset is behind a FOIL Request.
  • The dataset consists of 511 bond issues distributed on the Italian market.
  • By that date, the dataset shall be finalised, validated and accepted.
  • The table below presents detailed results from the regression analysis on the dataset.
  • You can create a dataset to filter the information, by specifying a restricting condition.


  • data set
  • data collection
  • data pool
  • data repository
  • data archive

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