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cross the road vs cross the street

Both 'cross the road' and 'cross the street' are correct phrases in English. The choice between them depends on the region and context. 'Cross the road' is more commonly used in British English, while 'cross the street' is more common in American English.

Last updated: March 17, 2024 • 1301 views

cross the road

This phrase is correct and commonly used, especially in British English.

This phrase is commonly used in British English to indicate the action of crossing a road from one side to the other.


  • Be careful when you cross the road.
  • The children know how to cross the road safely.
  • And once made her father stop traffic to help turtles cross the road.
  • No, I saw something cross the road, but I can't tell if it was her.
  • We ought try... to cross the road... today.
  • There's a place we can cross the road about a mile south.
  • Monday, I saw three women and children cross the road to avoid Agnes and her pram.
  • You never cross the road without me.
  • One news agency told a story of two children who were about to cross the road in Gaza.
  • Of course not. I can't even cross the road on my own yet.
  • Which is why we should cross the road and head back.
  • He called to say he saw him cross the road and cross the path of another man.
  • That decided to cross the road and roll with the wrong folks
  • And I will look both ways before I cross the road, and I will floss after every meal, and I'll wear a sweater just in case it gets cold.
  • And don't cross the road if you can't get out of the kitchen.
  • And if the law says I'm guilty too for not telling him to cross the road in the right places, then let them take me away, too!
  • That decided to cross the road
  • His wife said to him: 'Don't cross the road or you might get run over'.
  • And don't cross the road if you can't get out of the kitchen.
  • He would say, "For the greater good." Martin Luther King would say, "I imagine a world where all cows will be free to cross the road, without having their motives called into question."
  • Right, hold my hand while we cross the road.


  • cross the street
  • cross over the road
  • cross from one side of the road to the other
  • walk across the road
  • go over to the other side of the road

cross the street

This phrase is correct and commonly used, especially in American English.

This phrase is commonly used in American English to indicate the action of crossing a street from one side to the other.


  • Wait for the signal before you cross the street.
  • It's important to look both ways before you cross the street.
  • Dec 11, 2014 ... Cross the street focuses more on the part about walking across the street, things like watching out for incoming traffic.
  • One approach that I have always found helpful to ending relationships (for any reason) graciously is what I call the “Never have to cross the street” philosophy ...
  • You probably cross the street several times a day as you travel to the places you need to go. While it may be a normal part of your day, crossing the street ...
  • Aug 20, 2018 ... You have probably heard that old joke about a Boy Scout who was determined to help a little old lady cross the street. After a number of ...
  • Feb 5, 2016 ... I'm afraid to cross the street by myself because I almost got hit by a car when crossing the street. How can I get over this?
  • Nov 22, 2010 ... Yes, you can cross the street, but..... sometimes the police restrict crossing to one of every three or four streets, so approach a police ...
  • Jul 12, 2018 ... You can wait all day to cross the street if you are too polite. Even at crosswalks, cars will make a right on red without yielding to ...
  • Generally, people walking may cross the street at any point, but pedestrians and motorists must understand their responsibilities. Below are the basic laws ...


  • cross the road
  • cross over the street
  • cross from one side of the street to the other
  • walk across the street
  • go over to the other side of the street

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