Which one is correct?
"Craving satisfied" or "Craving fulfilled"?

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Craving satisfied

This might be correct. Use this phrase with caution.

This phrase would be used to indicate a strong desire or urge was fulfilled.

Some examples from our editors:

  • She ate the potato chips and was pleased to discover her salt craving was satisfied.
  • He gobbled up the cookies then sighed, "Ahh, craving satisfied!"
  • I satisfied my craving for solitude by taking a walk in the woods.

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • Desire met
  • Hunger satisfied
  • Urge quelled

Craving fulfilled

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to convey the idea that a craving or desire has been met or fulfilled.

This phrase is used to express the sense of completion or satisfaction that comes from having a craving or desire fulfilled.


  • The delicious meal left me with my craving fulfilled.
  • His craving for knowledge was fulfilled by reading books on various subjects.
  • The vacation was perfect, with all our cravings for relaxation and adventure fulfilled.
  • She felt a sense of peace and contentment with her craving for solitude fulfilled.
  • The movie marathon was just what I needed to have my craving for entertainment fulfilled.


  • desire met
  • longing fulfilled
  • yearning satisfied
  • hunger fulfilled
  • thirst satisfied
Both 'craving satisfied' and 'craving fulfilled' are correct and commonly used phrases in English. They convey the idea that a desire or longing has been met or fulfilled. The choice between the two depends on personal preference or the specific context in which they are used.

Last Updated: March 19, 2024

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