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Could you provide me vs could you send to me

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Could you provide me' is commonly used when asking for information, goods, or services. 'Could you send to me' is more specific to requesting something to be sent to you either physically or electronically.
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Explained by Jennifer
Editor at TextRanch

Last updated: December 25, 2024 • 8671 views

Could you provide me

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when asking for information, goods, or services.

This phrase is used when requesting something, such as information, goods, or services, to be given or made available to you.


  • Could you provide me with more details about the project?
  • Could you provide me a copy of the report?
  • Could you provide me with a list of available options?
  • Jan 18, 2022 ... Could you provide me (with) the current status for this...? is "with" optional in this case? Grammar. Archived post. New comments cannot be ...
  • Jun 8, 2016 ... I would use "Could you provide me with the details...?" as "Could you..." is polite enough. Using "please" doesn't make it look bad.
  • Sep 6, 2009 ... Okay thank you. If the second one sounds fine, is "Could you provide me the document?" correct as well? I have always thought it ...
  • Jan 4, 2023 ... Could you provide me with feedback on this Detail Drawing of an Aircraft Propeller made from scratch for a first year Uni project? · Comments ...
  • Oct 7, 2013 ... So, is it okay if I ask "Could you give me a deadline?" or "Could you provide me a due date?" Thanks in advance.
  • Mar 10, 2020 ... If so, could you provide me with JavaScript code examples or point me to already existing workflows illustrating this case ? Hope this time ...
  • Feb 4, 2024 ... @iraq_habitat, could you provide me the following through a private message? Maybe I could have a closer look at your case. Username; Project ...
  • Jun 12, 2016 ... “Please provide me with the following information.” or: “Could you provide me with the following in. Continue Reading. I don't think it's ...
  • Jul 19, 2022 ... @marceloriffo1988, could you provide me the following through a private message? Maybe I could have a closer look at your case. Username ...
  • Sep 27, 2023 ... Could you provide me Microsoft Advisory link for EX675941. Could someone provide me the Microsoft Advisory link for the below? We've detected ...


  • Could you give me
  • Could you offer me
  • Could you supply me

could you send to me

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in English. It is specific to requesting something to be sent to you physically or electronically.

This phrase is used when asking someone to send something to you, either physically or electronically.


  • Could you send to me the documents via email?
  • Could you send to me a sample of the product?
  • Could you send to me the package by courier?
  • Jul 30, 2021 ... Could you send to me too? Upvote
  • Could you send to me the pspice lib. file about XTR111 and INA828? Thanks and BR PJ.
  • Sep 5, 2024 ... Could you send to me too? Upvote
  • Jan 10, 2024 ... Part Number: INA310A-Q1 hi experts do we have spice module of INA310A-Q1? could you send to me? i cannot find on TI.com.
  • Oct 23, 2006 ... Hello , doit-on dire : could you send to me the names and e- mails to your business contacts ou could you send me the names and e- mails to ...
  • Apr 1, 2021 ... ... could you send to me the cream we need t. Continue Reading. Could you send us? For example.. I am the one who feels educated enough in a ...
  • I need a code to generate seismic response spectrum when you have ground motion data. Could you send to me in keshab.sharma@gmil.com . Thank you very.
  • Oct 6, 2023 ... I order for me to troubleshoot, I need to test your images. Could you send to me a couple of images; your registration Json or xml; an ...
  • Feb 9, 2012 ... Could you send to me too please? thriftyspender@excite.com · Reply · Anissa says. March 7, 2015 at 4:22 p03. Marci, Can you please send me this ...
  • Mar 26, 2016 ... Dear Professor Wooldrige, could you send to me the code for comparing probit and logit, in this way I can try to apply to my cmp(ivtobit) ...


  • Could you send me
  • Could you forward to me
  • Could you dispatch to me

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