Which one is correct?
"could" or "Could have"?

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The word 'could' is correct and commonly used in English to express present or future possibilities or abilities.

Use 'could' to talk about present or future possibilities or abilities. It is often used to make polite requests or to show uncertainty.


  • I could help you with that.
  • She could be at home by now.
  • They could win the competition if they train hard.
  • He could come to the party if he finishes work early.
  • We could go to the beach tomorrow if the weather is nice.


  • can
  • may
  • might

Could have

The phrase 'could have' is correct and commonly used in English to talk about past possibilities or actions that were possible but did not happen.

Use 'could have' to refer to something that was possible in the past but did not occur. It is often used in conditional sentences or regrets.


  • I could have gone to the party, but I decided to stay home.
  • She could have passed the exam if she had studied more.
  • They could have won the game if they had played better.
  • He could have called me, but he forgot.
  • We could have finished the project on time if we had worked harder.


  • might have
  • should have
  • would have
Both 'could have' and 'could' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Could have' is used to talk about past possibilities or actions that were possible but did not happen. 'Could' is used to express present or future possibilities or abilities.

Last Updated: April 01, 2024

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