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considered at vs considered over

Both 'considered at' and 'considered over' are not commonly used phrases in English. It doesn't make sense to compare them directly as they are not standard expressions. It would be more appropriate to use 'considered for' or 'considered as' depending on the context.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 833 views

considered at

This phrase is not commonly used in English.

It is not a standard phrase in English. It would be better to use 'considered for' or 'considered as' instead.
  • Here you can set the percentage after which the battery will be considered at warning level.
  • The group of enterprises should be considered at world level.
  • Compromise proposals were considered at delegation and trialogue meetings on 12 and 20 June 2001.
  • The redrafted report was considered at its meeting of 5-6 April 2004.
  • Inform Her Majesty that her proposal will be considered at a later date.
  • Risk communication needs to be considered at all stages of risk management.
  • Adverse reactions considered at least possibly related to treatment with entecavir are listed by body system organ class.
  • These adverse events are considered at least possibly causally related to treatment with imiquimod.
  • These adverse events are considered at least possibly causally related to treatment with imiquimod.
  • The Commission has drafted a directive on services which is currently being considered at national level.
  • Additional measures could be considered at a later date in light of further developments.
  • There are a number of such proceedings being considered at the moment.
  • These issues must be considered at a level that is closer to the citizens.
  • This is a request that was considered at the end of the last part-session.
  • The A109 Power project had been considered at one point, but had never been supported under Law No 808/1985.
  • The production capacity of the Union producers remained stable throughout the period considered at 179912 tonnes.
  • Only fuels and propulsion systems included in Community type-approval legislation are to be considered at the current time.
  • A proposal to this effect is currently being considered at Commission level.
  • Compromise proposals were considered at delegation and trialogue meetings on 14 and 19 June 2001.
  • The first pillar concerns public access to environmental information and was considered at second reading in May 2002; the Rapporteur is the same as for this report.


  • considered for
  • considered as

considered over

This phrase is not commonly used in English.

It is not a standard phrase in English. It would be better to use 'considered for' or 'considered as' instead.
  • Statistics concerning petitions considered over the reference period
  • It provides a framework in which needs can be considered over the long term.
  • Tax cuts should only be considered over the medium term, when countries have regained sufficient room for budgetary manoeuvre.
  • Tax cuts should only be considered over the medium term, when countries have regained sufficient room for budgetary manoeuvre.
  • Agriculture cannot be laid down like an industrial business, for instance, and must be considered over a much longer period.
  • - "guide values" means the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide as given in Annex II considered over specified periods and intended, in particular, to serve as reference points for the establishment of specific schemes within zones determined by the Member States.
  • In my opinion, the classification of seaports on the basis of freight volume should not be related exclusively to an annual volume of 1.5 million tonnes, but should be considered over a longer period of at least three years.
  • At the same time, though, we have ensured that, when considered over the space of two weeks, it can be regarded as an acceptable amount from the point of view of safety.
  • He said himself he considered your partnership over.
  • This once again makes it clear that the proposal is an ill-considered, over-hasty piece of work, which jeopardises the coherence of rural development policy and cannot be rescued by retrofitting it with a few improvements.
  • The annual average sales prices of the Union producers on the Union market to unrelated customers decreased in the period considered by over 10 %.
  • The Authority has therefore taken the view that this amount is to be considered as over-compensation within the meaning of the Public Service Compensation guidelines.
  • While this effect can now be considered to be over, it was discernible until 2003.
  • For instance, problems could arise if there are disagreements between the home and host supervisors of subsidiaries of a group that are considered significant over the interpretation of the proposed banking directive's requirements.
  • On 13 July 1992, in its resolution on future priorities for the development of a consumer protection policy, the Council considered studying over-indebtedness as a priority for the first time.
  • Have you considered turning this over to homeland security?
  • Furthermore, according to the new directive, the reasonably foreseeable way is considered to prevail over the declaration of intended use by the manufacturer.
  • Consequently, each period will be considered separately and no over-/undercompensation will be carried over from one period to the next.
  • Taking into account the current difficult economic circumstances pointed out by Romania, it has been considered appropriate to extend over four years the period for the payment of these amounts.
  • The Commission considered it encouraging that over a third of Member States had reported that analyses were under way.


  • considered for
  • considered as

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