Which one is correct?
"Confess" or "Plead guilty"?

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The word 'confess' is a correct and commonly used term in English to admit to something, usually a wrongdoing or a secret.

You can use 'confess' when someone admits to something, such as a mistake, a secret, or a wrongdoing. It is a general term that can be used in various contexts.


  • He decided to confess his love for her.
  • She confessed to stealing the money.
  • I must confess, I haven't finished the assignment yet.
  • They confessed their involvement in the crime.
  • The suspect confessed under interrogation.


  • admit
  • acknowledge
  • reveal
  • own up to
  • come clean about

Plead guilty

'Plead guilty' is a correct phrase used in legal contexts when someone admits to committing a crime.

You use 'plead guilty' in legal settings when a person admits to committing a crime. It is a formal way of accepting responsibility for the offense.


  • The defendant decided to plead guilty to the charges.
  • He pleaded guilty to the crime in court.
  • She was advised to plead guilty to receive a lighter sentence.
  • The suspect finally agreed to plead guilty.
  • The lawyer recommended that he plead guilty to avoid a trial.


  • admit guilt
  • accept responsibility
  • acknowledge wrongdoing
  • confess to a crime
  • acknowledge guilt
Both 'confess' and 'plead guilty' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'Confess' is more general and can be used in various situations where someone admits to something, while 'plead guilty' is specifically used in legal contexts when someone admits to committing a crime.

Last Updated: March 27, 2024

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