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compose a letter to vs compose a letter

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Compose a letter to' is used when specifying the recipient of the letter, while 'compose a letter' is a more general statement. They are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 930 views

compose a letter to

This phrase is correct and commonly used when specifying the recipient of the letter.

This phrase is used when you want to mention the specific person or entity to whom the letter is being written. It provides clarity on the intended recipient.


  • I need to compose a letter to my boss about the upcoming project.
  • She composed a letter to the editor of the newspaper regarding the recent article.
  • Please compose a letter to the customer service department explaining the issue.
  • He composed a letter to his favorite author expressing his admiration for their work.
  • They composed a letter to the mayor requesting improvements in the neighborhood.
  • This presentation will tell you how to compose a letter to a prospective collaborator, what information to include, and what tone to use so that the recipient will be ...
  • 3. compose a letter/poem/speech etc. to write a letter, poem etc, thinking very carefully about it as you write it : Compose a letter to your local paper stating your  ...
  • to compose (a letter) to or correspond regularly with (a person, organization, etc). 4. (transitive; may take a clause as object) to say or communicate by letter: he ...
  • Apr 22, 2015 ... “It is a surreal feeling, to compose a letter to an individual that you have no ties to but at the same time you want the whole wide world for them.


  • write a letter to
  • draft a letter to
  • send a letter to
  • address a letter to
  • prepare a letter to

compose a letter

This phrase is correct and commonly used in a general sense without specifying the recipient.

This phrase is used when talking about the act of creating or writing a letter without mentioning the specific person or entity it is addressed to. It is a more general statement.


  • She sat down to compose a letter to her friend.
  • He took his time to compose a letter expressing his gratitude.
  • They asked me to compose a letter for the school magazine.
  • The author composed a letter as part of the book's introduction.
  • Students were tasked to compose a letter for the assignment.
  • May 18, 2009 ... Please can you help me to write or compose a letter for support. I'm a Missionary here in Romania without anyone supporting me. A friend of ...
  • How to compose a letter. 11983 Times read - 0 Most reactions - 2 Times shared - 5 Times favorited. Print. What elements constitute a business letter? A letter is ...
  • Definitions. The Classroom »; Higher Education Prep »; How to Compose a Letter of Intent. How to Compose a Letter of Intent. by Art Corvelay , Demand Media ...
  • Just the subject "how and where do you compose a letter in yahoo." There seems to be an issue with moving posts that causes important info to ...


  • write a letter
  • draft a letter
  • send a letter
  • address a letter
  • prepare a letter

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