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classes are held in college vs classes are held at college

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Classes are held in college' implies that the classes take place within the physical boundaries of the college, while 'Classes are held at college' suggests a more general location without specifying the exact place within the college.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 1540 views

classes are held in college

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate that classes take place within the physical boundaries of the college.

This phrase is used to specify the location where classes are conducted, emphasizing that they occur inside the college premises.


  • Classes are held in college buildings.
  • Most of my classes are held in college labs.
  • The majority of classes are held in college classrooms.
  • Classes are held in college auditoriums.
  • The new classes are held in college conference rooms.
  • Classes are held every day after Council Hall.
  • whereas asylum seekers in Malta are held in administrative detention centres,
  • Right now the clinic funds are held In a separate nonprofit.
  • Max, our trials are held in private.
  • - Right now the clinic funds are held In a separate nonprofit.
  • The Big Three meetings are held in Kaiser Wilhelm's former palace.
  • Max, our trials are held in private.
  • Please let me know what fuel stocks are held in each depot.
  • You two girls are held in suspicion of murder.
  • The occlusive patches are held in contact by a suitable dressing for 6 hours.
  • This will be a particularly decisive question when elections are held in autumn.
  • Equally we all know that the none of the institutions are held in high regard.
  • All the genetic information for future generations of plants are held in seeds.
  • Over 25% of global currency reserves are held in euro.
  • Many stocks are held in private hands on behalf of the government.
  • Most Palestinian prisoners are held in jails in Israel.
  • Council meetings are held in Luxembourg three months a year.
  • Higher market shares of [30-40] % are held in deposits/savings and domestic payments.
  • The patches are held in contact by an occlusive dressing for 24 hours.
  • The patches or chambers are held in contact by a suitable dressing for six hours.


  • Classes are conducted in college.
  • Classes take place in college.
  • Classes are located in college.
  • Classes are situated in college.
  • Classes are organized in college.

classes are held at college

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate that classes take place in the general location of the college without specifying the exact place within the college.

This phrase is used to indicate the general location where classes are conducted, without emphasizing the specific area within the college premises.


  • Classes are held at college campuses.
  • Most of my classes are held at college facilities.
  • The majority of classes are held at college institutions.
  • Classes are held at college venues.
  • The new classes are held at college locations.
  • Classes are held every day after Council Hall.
  • Seminars are held at least once a year.
  • The inoculated eggs are held at 37o C and candled daily.
  • Elections are held at the start and at the midway point of each term.
  • Significant balances in foreign currencies, including GBP and SEK, are held at year end by the Commission on its own resources bank accounts.
  • inspections are held at appropriate intervals;
  • The large stream of refugees via France is not stopped until they reach the Eurotunnel and are held at the camp near Sangatte.
  • Participation is free in events of this kind, which are held at regular intervals.
  • "Steady-state" means relating to emission tests in which engine speed and load are held at a finite set of nominally constant values.
  • For meetings which are held at four-week intervals or less, the minutes shall be sent at least seven calendar days prior to the subsequent meeting.
  • Representatives of Turkish associations could benefit from sustained participation in study group discussions which are held at EU level with a view to implementing European policies, as in the case of the Luxembourg process.
  • They are held at historic cost less any provisions for impairment, as there are no quoted market prices available in an active market and their fair value cannot currently be reliably measured.
  • Regular services are held at the church at 6:00 and 8:00.
  • Meanwhile, try to remember that you are more fortunate than boys similar to yourself, who are held at Wormwood Scrubs until they're old enough to transfer to prison.
  • The situation there is extremely tense, and it is not certain whether these elections will be held under proper conditions, if, that is, they are held at all.
  • 5.8 Representatives of Turkish associations could benefit from sustained participation in study group discussions which are held at EU level with a view to implementing European policies, as in the case of the Luxembourg process.
  • Where plenary meetings are held at the premises of the Council in Brussels, the costs may only cover travel expenses and costs for interpretation.
  • (f) call on all states whose nationals are held at Guantánamo Bay to take appropriate action according to the Geneva Convention;
  • Significant balances in foreign currencies, including GBP and SEK, are held at year-end by the Commission on its own resources bank accounts to cover the Commission's cash requirements arising out of the implementation of the budget.
  • call on all states whose nationals are held at Guantánamo Bay to take appropriate action according to the Geneva Convention;


  • Classes are conducted at college.
  • Classes take place at college.
  • Classes are located at college.
  • Classes are situated at college.
  • Classes are organized at college.

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