Which is correct:
"chances of rain" or "chances of raining"?

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chances of rain

This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to the likelihood of rain occurring.

This phrase is used to indicate the probability or possibility of rain happening in the future.


  • The chances of rain tomorrow are high.
  • What are the chances of rain this weekend?
  • I always carry an umbrella in case of chances of rain.
  • The weather forecast predicts low chances of rain.
  • We should plan the outdoor event considering the chances of rain.


  • likelihood of rain
  • probability of rain
  • possibility of rain
  • odds of rain
  • potential for rain

chances of raining

This phrase is correct but less common than 'chances of rain'. It can be used in a more formal or literary context.

This phrase can be used to refer to the likelihood of rain occurring, but it may sound more formal or literary compared to 'chances of rain'.


  • The chances of raining during the ceremony are slim.
  • He mentioned the chances of raining in his speech.
  • The meteorologist discussed the chances of raining this week.
  • We need to consider the chances of raining when planning the outdoor event.
  • The garden party might be affected by the chances of raining.


  • likelihood of raining
  • probability of raining
  • possibility of raining
  • odds of raining
  • potential for raining
Both 'chances of rain' and 'chances of raining' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Chances of rain' is the more common and natural way to express the likelihood of rain occurring, while 'chances of raining' is less common and may sound awkward to some native speakers.

Last updated: March 15, 2024

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