Catch 22 or Catch 24?

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Catch 22

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

The term 'catch-22' is used to describe a situation in which a person is trapped by contradictory rules or circumstances that make it impossible to escape a problem.


  • The employees were caught in a catch-22 where they couldn't leave work early without finishing their tasks, but they couldn't finish their tasks without staying late.

Catch 24

This phrase is not correct in English.

The correct phrase is 'catch 22'. 'Catch-22' is a term that originated from the title of a novel by Joseph Heller. It refers to a paradoxical situation where an individual cannot avoid a problem because of contradictory constraints or rules. 'Catch 24' is not a common or recognized phrase in English.

Last updated: March 11, 2024

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