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cannot be considered as a vs cannot be considered to be

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Cannot be considered as a' is commonly used when referring to a specific role or category, while 'cannot be considered to be' is more general and can be used in various contexts.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 4915 views

cannot be considered as a

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a specific role or category.

This phrase is used when you want to specify a particular role or category that something cannot be considered as.


  • He cannot be considered as a reliable source of information.
  • She cannot be considered as a suitable candidate for the job.
  • The Commission therefore concludes that this prolonged maturity cannot be considered as a contribution to restructuring from external resources.
  • Consequently, the granular PTFE market cannot be considered as a shrinking market.
  • Therefore, the economic downturn cannot be considered as a possible cause breaching the causal link between the threat of injury and the dumped Chinese imports.
  • Because of the size it cannot be considered as a prefabricated building of heading 9406.
  • The investigation revealed that stocks cannot be considered as a meaningful injury factor since the vast majority of production is made in response to orders.
  • Inventories cannot be considered as a relevant injury indicator in this sector, as production and sales are mainly based on orders and, accordingly, producers tend to hold limited stocks.
  • Consequently, the DFRC cannot be considered as a substitution drawback scheme in accordance with the basic Regulation(3).
  • The Commission notes that the legislative decree in question cannot be considered as a valid system of reference.
  • Consequently, the product cannot be considered as a 'seagoing vessel' (see Additional Note 1 to Chapter 89).
  • A rest period on a vehicle cannot be considered as a rest period for a number of reasons.
  • A PCN-based calculation of the injury margin allowed for a more detailed and accurate calculation, but this cannot be considered as a change in methodology.
  • Therefore, the increase in unit costs cannot be considered as a separate cause of injury, but as a consequence of the dumped imports.
  • As to the loss of the common ownership, this cannot be considered as a factor which as such is causing injury.
  • The investigation revealed that stocks cannot be considered as a meaningful injury factor, since it is not produced for stock, and therefore the trends in stocks are given for information.
  • It is therefore concluded that the effect of exchange rates, if any, cannot be considered as a substantial cause of the injurious situation of the Community industry.
  • In addition, according to the definition of 'speciality' types laid down above, 'hollow conjugate' PSF cannot be considered as a speciality type.
  • According to Note 4 a) to Chapter 62 this article cannot be considered as a babies' garment since it is designed for young children of a body height exceeding 86 cm, therefore classification in heading 6209 is excluded.
  • On this basis, it is considered that the year 1995 was unrepresentative of the situation of the CI and cannot be considered as a meaningful basis for analysing trends on ROI.
  • Since the linear motion system can be used with different kinds of machines it cannot be considered as a part suitable for use solely or principally with a particular kind of machine within the meaning of Note 2(b) to Section XVI.
  • In addition, stocks' decrease cannot be assessed as a positive development of the Community industry's situation in this case since it cannot be considered as a meaningful indicator, given the nature of the product which does not allow long-term storage.


  • cannot be seen as a
  • cannot be viewed as a
  • cannot be regarded as a

cannot be considered to be

This phrase is also correct and more general in its usage, suitable for various contexts.

This phrase is used when you want to express that something cannot be considered in a general sense.


  • The new policy cannot be considered to be fair.
  • His behavior cannot be considered to be acceptable.
  • As a result, if one of the conditions is not fulfilled then the relevant measure cannot be considered to be State aid.
  • Given this degree of GOK control over Pusan Bank, the bank's decision to participate in the syndicated loan cannot be considered to be a safe commercial benchmark.
  • Accordingly, criterion 1 cannot be considered to be met.
  • (66) As concerns the impact on the Community industry of the magnitude of the actual margins of dumping, given the volume and the prices of the imports from the country concerned, this impact cannot be considered to be negligible.
  • Given that cooperation from the PRC was very low as stated in recitals 22 and 24, the findings for the cooperating companies cannot be considered to be representative for the country.
  • Consequently, they consider that the anti-competitive effects resulting from the State aid involved cannot be considered to be significant.
  • In this sense, I believe that by eliminating subjective factors such as personal happiness, which cannot be considered to be indicators, the new text has reached a good compromise.
  • (145) Given in particular the volume of dumped imports from the countries concerned, the margins of dumping found cannot be considered to be negligible.
  • Contrary to what was argued by Acron, its export prices to the EU cannot be considered to be only the result of normal market conditions.
  • However, they maintain that Harpa cannot be considered to be an undertaking within the meaning of Article 61(1) of the EEA Agreement.
  • Therefore, the decision to refuse MET cannot be considered to be in breach of the principle of proportionality.
  • The GOC refused to provide source data before and during the verification for this table and therefore it cannot be considered to be reliable information.
  • Furthermore, given the volumes and the prices of the subsidised imports, the impact of the actual margin of subsidisation cannot be considered to be negligible.
  • Consequently, NUW as a member of this group cannot be considered to be an SME and is therefore not eligible for the SME bonus.
  • Given in particular the volume of dumped imports from the countries concerned, the margins of dumping found cannot be considered to be negligible.
  • In summary, Ofex claims the proposed aid measure cannot be considered to be in the common interest.
  • The investigation has established a continuation of dumping and the magnitude of the actual margins of dumping (i.e. up to 44 %) cannot be considered to be negligible.
  • Thousands of people are still imprisoned in awful conditions because they stood up for democracy or because they protested against the constitutional referendum, the results of which cannot be considered to be reliable.
  • Overlapping of benefits which cannot be considered to be of the same kind within the meaning of paragraph 3 shall be considered to be overlapping of benefits of a different kind.
  • Overlapping of benefits which cannot be considered to be of the same kind within the meaning of paragraph 1 shall be considered to be overlapping of benefits of a different kind.


  • cannot be seen as
  • cannot be viewed as
  • cannot be regarded as

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