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can you please list down all the vs can you please define

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Can you please list down all the' is commonly used when asking someone to provide a list of items, while 'Can you please define' is used when asking for a clear explanation or meaning of something.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 2866 views

can you please list down all the

This phrase is correct and commonly used when asking someone to provide a list of items.

This phrase is used to request a comprehensive list of items or information from someone. It is often used in formal or professional settings.


  • Can you please list down all the ingredients needed for the recipe?
  • Can you please list down all the tasks that need to be completed by the end of the day?
  • Can you please list down all the reasons for your decision?
  • Sep 5, 2013 ... MsLipsxLikeSugar 1 year ago. gorgeous! can you please list down all the eyeshadow colors you were using? :). Read more Show less. Reply
  • Feb 23, 2007 ... azwan5000 6 years ago. Can you please list down all the chords? Read more Show less. ▽ Report spam or abuse. jonasresas 6 years ago.
  • But can you please list down all the pokemon that can be captured? Thanks! REPLY | REPORT. **whizz** Added 23rd Mar 2012, ID #125394. thanks dude i ...
  • May 16, 2008, nicole (philippine), can you please list down all the constellation in Northern and. Southern Hemesphere? That would be a long list, we have ...


  • Can you please provide a list of all the
  • Can you please write down all the
  • Can you please enumerate all the
  • Can you please outline all the
  • Can you please detail all the

can you please define

This phrase is correct and commonly used when asking for a clear explanation or meaning of something.

This phrase is used to request a specific definition or explanation of a concept, term, or idea. It is often used in academic, professional, or casual conversations.


  • Can you please define the term 'sustainability'?
  • Can you please define the scope of the project?
  • Can you please define your role in the team?
  • Jan 10, 2014 ... MEDICAL NECESSITY: Can You Please Define That? – Part I. INTRODUCTION One of Medicare's most elusive concepts is the term “Medical ...
  • Medical Necessity: Can You Please Define That? Part I. Riva Lee Asbell. Philadelphia, PA. INTRODUCTION. One of Medicare=s most elusive concepts is the ...
  • Can you please define what a "dollar" is? (Knowing that federal reserve notes are not dollars and cannot extinguish a debt ). Treasurer: I will not play this game.
  • Can you please define the punishment of Kareit (excision)? by Rabbi Naftali Silberberg · Library » Philosophy » Consequences | Subscribe | What is RSS?


  • Can you please explain
  • Can you please clarify
  • Can you please elucidate
  • Can you please expound on
  • Can you please describe

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