buys some or buy some?

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buys some

This phrase is correct when referring to a singular subject in the present tense.

Use "buys some" when the subject is singular, such as "She buys some bread." This construction is in the present tense.


  • He buys some flowers every week.
  • She buys some books for her children.
  • The teacher buys some supplies for the classroom.
  • The cat buys some food from the store.
  • The company buys some new equipment regularly.


  • buys a few
  • buys a couple of
  • buys several
  • buys a small amount of
  • buys a little

buy some

This phrase is correct when referring to plural subjects or in general statements.

Use "buy some" when the subject is plural or when making general statements, like "They buy some vegetables every day." This construction is also used in the present tense.


  • They buy some groceries at the supermarket.
  • We buy some clothes for the winter season.
  • Customers buy some products online.
  • People buy some snacks for the movie night.
  • Students buy some school supplies at the beginning of the year.


  • purchase some
  • get some
  • acquire some
  • procure some
  • obtain some
Both "buys some" and "buy some" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Buys some" is used when referring to a singular subject, such as "He buys some milk." On the other hand, "buy some" is used with plural subjects or in general statements, like "They buy some fruit."

Last updated: March 08, 2024

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