bring your attention or bring attention?

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bring your attention

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when you want to direct someone's focus or awareness to a specific thing or topic. It implies a personal involvement in the act of paying attention.


  • Please bring your attention to the details of this report.
  • I would like to bring your attention to the safety procedures before we begin.
  • Could you bring your attention back to the main point of the discussion?


  • direct your attention
  • focus your attention
  • draw your attention
  • call your attention
  • shift your attention

bring attention

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used more generally to indicate attracting notice or focus. It does not specify whose attention is being brought, and it can refer to a broader range of situations.


  • The bright colors of the painting bring attention to the focal point.
  • The sudden noise brought attention to the emergency exit.
  • Her unique style of writing brings attention to social issues.


  • attract attention
  • draw attention
  • capture attention
  • focus attention
  • gain attention
Both 'bring your attention' and 'bring attention' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Bring your attention' is used when you want to specifically direct someone's focus or awareness to something, while 'bring attention' is more general and can be used to indicate attracting notice or focus in a broader sense.

Last updated: March 30, 2024

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