Which is correct:
"brash with words." or "brash with my words."?

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brash with words.

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe someone who is bold or impetuous in their speech.

This phrase is used to describe a person who speaks boldly or impulsively without considering the consequences. It is a general statement about someone's speech behavior.


  • He was always brash with words, never holding back his opinions.
  • She tends to be brash with words, which sometimes gets her into trouble.
  • Being brash with words can sometimes alienate people.
  • His brashness with words often led to misunderstandings.
  • The politician's brashness with words made headlines.


  • bold in speech
  • impetuous in words
  • reckless with words
  • blunt in speech
  • forthright in words

brash with my words.

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe someone who is bold or impetuous in their own speech specifically.

This phrase is used to describe a person's own behavior of speaking boldly or impulsively without considering the consequences. It emphasizes the personal nature of the speech.


  • I tend to be brash with my words when I'm passionate about something.
  • She regretted being brash with her words during the argument.
  • He realized he had been too brash with his words and apologized.
  • Being brash with my words is something I need to work on.
  • Sometimes being brash with my words gets me into trouble.


  • bold in my speech
  • impetuous in my words
  • reckless with my words
  • blunt in my speech
  • forthright in my words
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Brash with words' is a more general expression, while 'brash with my words' is more specific and personal. The choice between them depends on whether you want to emphasize the general nature of the behavior or the personal involvement.

Last updated: March 11, 2024

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