Which is correct:
"boy" or "son"?

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4,970,000,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • The French boy may be hiding here.
  • Ask leave boy alone to train.
  • What happened to that boy is sad but...
  • An emergency stop would endanger the boy.
  • This is every fourth-grade boy's fantasy.
  • That boy's mother died this morning.
  • She was tremendously helpful with my boy.
  • My boy gave your man a whipping.
  • Reflection of boy and girl in water...
  • The boy whose cell was mistakenly marked.
  • That boy never lets anyone push him around.
  • That boy deserves everything he gets.
  • Taking our boy to his arraignment.
  • Father, this boy has zero l.Q.
  • Come to see about the boy.
  • You are cold-blooded, chicken boy.
  • Never should've let that boy work retail.
  • The boy needs a real piano.
  • The boy suddenly seemed extremely weary.
  • My sister saw a boy recently.


More popular!

5,570,000,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • My son's character's spotless.
  • This is my tennis partner and son Douglas.
  • Today you crossed the line son.
  • No time for discussion, son.
  • My son's friend Charlie from college.
  • Since they got their youngest son.
  • I think the congressman's son underestimated his vulnerability.
  • Someone instructed Mark to kill your son.
  • Need investment, sell a son.
  • Your son deserves to know the truth.
  • My best friend lost her son.
  • Thoughts of her abandoned son haunted her dreams.
  • I decided I missed my favourite son.
  • Give our son the best opportunity.
  • I got a son out there.
  • That son had turned against science.
  • With love for his eldest son.
  • Mother reports her son missing off Key Largo.
  • Thanks for looking after my son.
  • The son, daughter-in-law and grandson died together.
A complete search of the internet has found that "son" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: July 15, 2021

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